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       Since the beginning of its operation, in 2012, Aquapolo has supplied   In a recent study from Stanford University, compared to drinking water,
       more than 110 million cubic meters (110 billion litres). This volume would   recycled water was found to be possibly safer than drinking water. This
       be enough to supply a city of 300,000 inhabitants for the same period   is because the source is the treated effluent and, in turn, requires more
       for more than 10 years. Other highlights of the company are:  control barriers than the current water purification processes from
                                                              natural sources considered clean and of good quality. Aware of these
       »   Operational availability 99.99% of the time, that is, only with   studies and global trends in water recycling, Aquapolo believes that this
         scheduled stops and without customer shortages       quality water supply model should soon be extended to a model for
       »   Quality met 99.94% of the time, and at other times with insignificant   recharging natural sources of water, as a solution to expand availability
         deviations and no impact on customers                of water in regions of water stress in Brazil. This is a worldwide trend
       »   Zero work accidents with leave in the company’s history and more   with real cases such as Orange County, California, Singapore and
         than 7 years without any work accidents              Windhoek, Namibia.
       »  Customer satisfaction rate of 98%
       »   Environmental education action for more than 6,000 children in the   A second trend currently being discussed in the industry is the
         ABC region and São Paulo                            “WaterPositive+” concept. This is a concept similar to the carbon
       »  World’s only subsidy-free water recycling venture.  concept, meaning, it is up to each company or user of water on the
                                                              planet to know its “water footprint” and work to recharge natural
       Aquapolo and its recycled water directly contribute    sources in the same or higher volume used, with clean and treated
       to 5 UN Sustainable Development Goals:                 water, minimally on the same level as it was taken from nature.
                                                              Aquapolo is ready to recharge nature on others’ behalf to make sure
       >  SDG 6 � Drinking Water and Sanitation               companies neutralize their water footprint.
       >  SDG 9 � Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
       >  SDG 11 � Sustainable Cities and Communities         Upon completing 10 years of operation in December 2022, Aquapolo
       >  SDG 12 � Responsible Consumption and Production; and  established 2 public sustainability commitments, adding more value
       >  SDG 13 � Action against Global Climate Change.      to recycled water and contributing even more to its customers’ ESG
       The company has national and international recognition with awards
       from institutions such as Global Water Intelligence, ANA � National   1.   Neutralize 62% of your carbon footprint by 2025 and become
       Water Agency, FIESP � Federation of Industries of the State of   carbon neutral by 2030; and
       São Paulo, BID � Inter-American Development Bank with Harvard   2.  Neutralize its direct-use water footprint by 2025.
       University, among others. In 2022, Aquapolo was recognized as a
       Climate Smart Utility by the IWA � International Water Association,   With the mission of “Transforming and inspiring society, through
       being one of the thirteen most inspiring cases of action for mitigation   water recycling, contributing to perpetuate life”, Aquapolo Ambiental
       and adaptation in the face of climate change.          works to guarantee water sustainability and the future of humanity!

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