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How energy storage solutions are
bringing electricity to remote and
isolated communities in Brazil
More than one million people in the Legal Amazon alone lack access to electricity.
The Amazon region, with its unmatched According to Brazil's Energy and Environment manufactured in Brazilian territory. This
expanse and natural beauty, is one of our Institute, more than 1 million people live combination allows isolated communities to
planet's most precious treasures. However, without access to public energy services in the have access to reliable electricity day and
many isolated communities in the Amazon face Amazon region alone. night without relying on polluting sources.
significant challenges, especially when it comes
to reliable and sustainable access to electricity. Energy poverty is when an individual or a Between 2021 and 2022, the supply of
In this context, initiatives and technological family struggle to access energy services, batteries for remote systems increased
solutions involving the use of photovoltaic including electricity, natural gas, heating fivefold, driven by the "Mais Luz para a
panels and lithium batteries are democratizing and cooling, with significant impacts on the Amazônia" project, a federal government
access to electricity in the region. health, well-being and quality of life of those initiative to increase access to electricity.
affected. It is also related to environmental
In the Amazon, electrical infrastructure is issues, as the improper use of polluting energy With strategically installed solar panels in
scarce or non-existent in many areas, leaving sources can lead to waste and excessive areas with the highest sun exposure, they
local communities dependent on polluting greenhouse gas emissions. convert sunlight into electricity. This not only
and inefficient diesel generators or even reduces dependence on fossil fuels but also
without complete access to electricity. To solve and democratize access to efficient harnesses the abundant source of energy that
Energy is an enabler for the economy, and sustainable electricity, various initiatives the Amazon region offers.
connectivity, education and health. This are being implemented. UCB, the largest
scenario hampers the quality of life for these stationary battery manufacturer in Brazil, One limitation of solar energy systems is their
communities, leaving people in these regions has adopted a multifaceted approach that reliance on sunlight. However, the system
vulnerable and contributing to environmental combines the capture of solar energy through overcomes this challenge through energy
degradation in the area. photovoltaic panels with effective energy storage systems using more efficient lithium
storage systems using lithium batteries batteries connected to photovoltaic panels,