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Commitments to sustainability begin with policy decisions  green business and change to new agricultural practices that include
       During the past decades, the United States, the European Union and   agroforestry. Mali has converted diesel-powered mini-grids to solar,
       other governments have made crucial policy decisions that target   hydro and biogas technologies in an effort to cut carbon emissions
       zero carbon emissions by 2050. In the United States, the Inflation   by 5,000 tons. Costa Rica relies on renewable energies and provides
       Reduction Act of 2022  includes tax incentives for installing energy   incentives to communities and landowners to preserve forests and
       efficient equipment such as LEDs, new types of building insulation   increase biodiversity.
       and heat pumps.
                                                              Mitigating climate change requires consistent, coherent and
       The European Green Deal  addresses key policy issues such as   continuous action
       accessible and affordable clean energy transportation, creating   The consequences of climate change become more apparent with
       markets for clean technologies and products, and stimulating the   each passing day. According to a report  from the US Office of
       renovation of 35 million public and private buildings. In addition, the   the Director of National Intelligence, without action from countries,
       EU’s RePowerEU plan  focuses on energy savings, diversifying energy   corporations, businesses and individuals, global temperatures will
       supplies, and implementing renewable energy sources.   likely continue to increase and weather events will continue to set new
                                                              standards for extremes.
       Gambia, Mali, Costa Rica and other smaller countries  have also
       addressed climate change through projects and strategies. In Gambia,   Although political leadership may change, countries cannot step away
       the Household Disaster Resilience Project provides financial support   from their policy commitments to mitigate climate change. However,
       for local efforts to improve awareness about climate change, support   setting and adhering to policies is only one step. Corporations and

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