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        The largest brand for energy storage solutions in Brazil and
        Latin America. With 50 years in the market, it combines
        extensive experience in electronics manufacturing and
        operational agility. UCB provides stationary batteries,
        portable ones for cell phones and laptops, and those for
        electric mobility. It has 2 factories in Brazil. It is a signatory
        of the UN Global Compact and a leader in providing
        energy storage solutions for remote communities.

       storing excess electricity generated during   equivalent to planting 12,000 trees. This   This hope for efficient and sustainable energy
       the day for use at night and on cloudy days.   initiative benefited 32 families, more than   for isolated communities can unlock decades-
       The company has already supplied over   100 people.                      old challenges in other regions of the planet
       35,000 batteries for applications in isolated                            as well. This is the case in Africa, where
       communities.                        In addition to installing the systems, UCB   approximately 600 million people lack access
                                           also invests in training and capacity-  to electricity.
       One of these innovative projects is in the   building for local communities. This not
       community of Santa Helena do Inglês,   only ensures that the systems are properly   Clean and renewable energy is the path to the
       which is 60 km away from the capital of the   maintained but also empowers communities   future, and the projects implemented in the
       Amazonas state, Manaus.             to manage their own energy resources in   Amazon are proof of this necessary evolution.
                                           the future, with a direct effect on reducing
       The project was conceived by the    carbon emissions, improving quality of life,
       Sustainable Amazon Foundation (FAS) in   sustainable development and environmental
       partnership with UCB, with the installation of   preservation.
       an Isolated Mini-Grid System for Electricity
       Generation and Distribution with a total   Companies like UCB and organizations are
       capacity of 259 kWh, replacing an existing   playing a crucial role in transforming the
       diesel system, eliminating the consumption   Amazon's energy landscape, bringing hope
       of diesel that emitted 143.3 kg of CO2   and clean, sustainable electricity to isolated
       daily and an annual emission of 52.3 tons,   communities through technology.

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