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Cosmos 3D ‒ what will the future

       of construction look like?

       A house is much more than just a building that welcomes people.
       From the ancient caves of prehistory, transitioning through the tents
       in vast deserts to the majestic castles, and finally culminating in the
       modern architecture of our era, a house has always symbolized
       protection, presence, possession and identity. Having one’s own space
       and personalizing it taps into the fundamental desires and aspirations
       inherent in human nature. The importance of these homes, these
       personal spaces, has solidified the real estate market’s position as one
       of the most robust and influential sectors globally.

       With 2030 on the horizon, the UN predicts a significant housing
       challenge. They project a housing deficit impacting 3 billion people.   1
       To grasp the magnitude of this issue, the United Nations Human
       Settlements Program provides a telling figure: to bridge this gap, we’d
       need to construct 96,150 homes every day, which equates to 4,000
       every hour. Also there are other important issues. The construction
       industry contributes to a sizable portion of the world’s solid waste.
       Additionally, it’s responsible for over a third of the global energy
       demand and around 37% of 2021’s carbon emissions.  How can we
       address these interconnected challenges?

       A validated solution emerges in the form of the concrete 3D printer.
       Designed to tackle the global housing shortage, it blends efficiency
       with sustainability. To illustrate its potential, consider this: it’s feasible
       to build a comfortable 45 m  home in only 15 hours. One machine is
       capable of manufacturing up to 120 homes each year.    NEW PATHS, NEW PERSPECTIVE
                                                              Driven by a vision of a more sustainable future, there’s an emphasis
       BREAKTHROUGH WITH COSMOS 3D                            on championing green building practices at COSMOS 3D. Advanced
       With Katz Group’s construction expertise and IT3D’s technological   methods aim to reduce waste generation by up to 90%, a feat made
       prowess from Spain, they’ve carved a new path in the world of 3D   possible through full automation and meticulous oversight of material
       printed concrete homes. This collaboration not only represents a   usage.
       merging of two giants but also introduces a modern and practical
       solution for the evolving housing and structural landscape. Katz Group   With an ambitious roadmap in place, the goal is to achieve carbon
       and IT3D, both leaders in their respective fields, have joined forces to   neutrality by 2030. Acknowledging the significant carbon footprint of
       create COSMOS 3D.                                      traditional cement, there’s a dedicated pursuit for eco-friendlier material
                                                              alternatives for a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

                                                              Looking ahead, the aspirations for COSMOS 3D are vast. Over the
                                                              next three decades, the goal is to impact the lives of people worldwide,
                                                              envisioning the construction of millions of new homes.

       1  According to information provided by UN Habitat
       2  According to the “2022 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction-UNEP”

                        LET’S BUILD THE FUTURE TOGETHER!

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