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       SOMA Group: road

       to decarbonization


       What the biggest fashion group in Brazil is doing to reduce its climate impact: clear goals are key to
       achieve results and transparency.

       The SOMA Group strengthens its practices and searches for responses   rise by up to 1.5°C. and we are working on a reduction plan, with
       to climate change every year. It is key to reinforce the importance of   intermediate targets, to be submitted to SBTi in 2023.
       assuming climate commitments, which is why, in 2021, we joined the
       UN Global Compact and assumed commitments with the 2030 and   It is also extremely important to go through a process of mapping
       2050 Agenda. Even with the absence of a regulated carbon market in   climate risks associated with the business and operations. We map
       Brazil, the SOMA Group has been voluntarily positioning itself with the   physical risks, associated with natural phenomena, and transition risks,
       mapping of its emissions through annual Greenhouse Gas Inventories   which include changes in habits and new policies aligned with our
       and offsets with investments in reforestation and regeneration projects   ESG strategy. Among the physical risks, we highlight the possibility of
       through agroforestry systems (this process effectively removes   climate disruptions, such as strong winds and rains that can directly
       CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis in trees) and the   impact our offices, distribution centres, logistics processes, inventory
       purchase of carbon credits from investment in renewable energy,   and interruptions in the supply chain process. The scarcity of rain is also
       which contributes to the transition to a renewable energy system   a phenomenon that can affect our supply processes.
       and a low-carbon economy. It is important to emphasize that the
       offset strategy goes hand in hand with the reduction of emissions,   Thus, as a form of investing in the Climate Agenda, SOMA Group
       strengthening the decarbonization process in order to have less   allocates funds exclusively to environmental actions: whether for
       emissions to offset throughout the years.              hiring consultants, renewing subscriptions to platforms for managing
                                                              environmental parameters and structuring our Greenhouse Gas
       To this end, having clear goals is essential to bring solidity and   Inventory annually, prioritizing the use of responsible raw materials, for
       transparency to the company in the decarbonization process in the   compensation of our emissions and for reforestation projects as a way
       quest to achieve Net Zero by 2050. Several actions were linked to the   of helping to restore the carbon balance in the atmosphere.
       commitments assumed by the Company with the UN Global Compact
       and the annual reports to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), in   All of SOMA Group brands are included in our Greenhouse Gas
       which SOMA Group achieved a B score, meaning that we have a   Inventory and are part of our emissions reduction strategy (available
       solid management regarding climate change. In addition, the CDP is   in our latest sustainability report on our website). SOMA Group has a
       also aligned with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-  centralized guideline governance that extends itself to all of our brands
       related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). We also adhere to the science-  and areas.
       based target design framework (SBTi) to control global temperature

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