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Lunelli: Fashion with Significance
“Make Fashion with Significance to promote a positive impact in the world and for all.”
Committed to establishing responsible In 2022, as the result of these major initiatives “Walk The Talk − Dialogues for a more
relationships between people and the we highlight: responsible future” has the purpose to
environment, we look back at the past proud of promote and encourage the discussions on
everything that has brought us this far, ensuring ❯ +4,600 employees: 68% women the ESG agenda. The name of the event itself
that our choices and visions for the future are and 32% men emphasizes and prioritizes the importance of
going to lead us to a sustainable growth. ❯ R$ 20.4 million in profits shared with coherence and consistency of what Lunelli’s
employees as a result of the annual goal premise is: to always communicate proposing
Combined with the business ideology our program an open dialogue with its stakeholders.
sustainability vision, “Make Fashion with ❯ Compliance channel: 100% of the
Significance to promote a positive impact in reports analyzed During this year we are sponsoring four “Walk
the world and for all,” inspires and guides our ❯ R$2.2 million invested in employees the Talk” events, divided into four themes:
business model to manage and reduce the training and development
negative economic, social and environmental ❯ 4,500 hours on leadership program 1. Governance: best compliance and
impacts of our activities. ❯ +2,000 tons of textile waste sent for stakeholder management practices
recycling 2. Environmental: best environmental
Based on this outlook, our sustainability ❯ 3% reduction in total generated waste management practices and efforts to
strategy harmonizes and interconnects ❯ Responsible operation with 86.7 litres reduce the negative impacts
three core elements of ESG: environmental of water per kg of fabric produced 3. External Social: industry’s and community
protection, social inclusion and economic ❯ 1.7 kWh of electricity per kg of fabric relationship and the social investment
growth, establishing eight major initiatives: produced. 4. Internal Social: best practices for a great
place to work.
1. Integrate sustainability into strategy, To Make Fashion with Significance, it is
management and culture necessary to consider the textile value chain We believe that companies play a
2. Improve risk management and compliance that refers to the many stages involved in the fundamental role in building a better world,
3. Promote a diverse and safe environment production and distribution of textile products strengthening and multiplying ESG better
4. Reduce the environmental impacts of and practices, be attentive to identify the practices, and that is why we are sponsoring
operations needs and expectations of the people and the “Walk the Talk”, promoting a space to
5. Improve social investment management each stakeholder to understand and measure listen, learn, discuss, share information and
6. Develop sustainable products the impacts of our activities. opportunity for new businesses and create
7. Educate for sustainability partnerships.
8. Engage the public whom we maintain a In the beginning of 2023, we updated
relationship with. our ESG Materiality Assessment and Committed with and continuously seeking
Benchmarking Analysis by an extensive, active our positive impact in the world, we want to
and engaged listening program that involved improve people’s lives through opportunities,
representatives of each stakeholder. As a result products and services, seeking to reduce and
of the analysis and according to Lunelli´s ESG mitigate the negative impacts of our activities,
Guidelines and Diagnostic, our sustainability promoting social, cultural, environmental and
strategy was revised, and the “Walk the Talk” economic welfare and making fashion that
communication program was created. brings significance to the lives of those who
choose to wear it.
Lunelli is a textile company that has been operating in industry and retail for
more than 40 years: through 8 brands, more than 20,000 customers, 4,700
employees and 14 units installed in Brazil and Paraguay, producing more than
15,000 tons of fabric and 23 million garments per year.