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       building operations account for 27% and building construction and   and use of human-centric connected systems  align with improving
       infrastructure materials make up the remaining 13%. Each building   well-being and productivity.
       consumes energy for the lighting, heating and cooling systems
       that maintain comfortable indoor environments for residents. Each   Building designs can also move away from materials that
       environmental control system also generates carbon emissions.  release millions of tons  of carbon emissions during extraction,
                                                              manufacturing, transportation, construction and disposal.
       Different technology-driven solutions exist for the carbon emissions   Architectural firms and construction firms can prioritize moving away
       and energy consumption problems seen with buildings. For example,   from the use of conventional building materials such as concrete,
       connected lighting systems  built around efficient LED technologies   steel and insulation to low-carbon, carbon-neutral or carbon-storing
       could save millions of tons of carbon emissions and reduce the   materials. New types of concrete,  for example, may reduce carbon
       demand for electricity. While LED lighting can offer direct energy   emissions by 60%. In addition, firms can reduce emissions associated
       savings of 50�70% over conventional lighting, connecting LED lighting   with manufacturing practices by specifying the use of recycled or
       systems to smart controls, the IoT and other environmental control   reclaimed materials  for buildings.    »
       systems can increase those percentages. In addition, the installation

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