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       Brazil's largest

       water reuse project


       Aquapolo is a model of sustainability; the project has proved its environmental, social and economic
       value to big companies such as Braskem and Bridgestone, as well as to the whole ABC region, (a large
       industrial region in Greater São Paulo) where water infrastructure is crucial.

       Aquapolo has also set a great example of successful public-private   local economy. This enterprise has directly contributed to improving the
       partnership, with an innovative model where the customer participated   quality of life and social and economic development in the region.
       in the project's conception and helped establish the guarantees and
       collaterals for Project Finance.                       Water stress in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, comprising the
                                                              state capital and 38 satellite municipalities, is a growing reality; due to
       Last, but not least, Aquapolo has generated local positive impact by   the increasing pollution of water sources and the impact caused by
       helping companies understand the real value of water and how it   climate change. A group of 7 cities in the region, form what we call
       should be correctly measured by companies and large users, not only   ABC Paulista. With a population of almost 3 million people and more
       by its tariff, but also through the risk of not having water and the impact   than 24,000 industries, the ABC region has a water availability of only
       companies are causing to both the communities where they capture it   130m³/inhabitant/year, or about 5% of the UN’s recommendation.
       and nature itself.
                                                              Currently, the Brazilian industrial sector, and specifically in the ABC
       The Aquapolo Ambiental case − São Paulo-SP, Brazil     region of São Paulo, has two sources of water: direct capture from
       The implementation of Aquapolo Ambiental in the ABC region of São   surface (rivers and lakes) or underground (wells) natural sources; or
       Paulo is the most relevant case, of the last 10 years; the project required   the provision of potable water through the public supply. Directly or
       water source diversification in a location with structural water stress that   indirectly, industries consume part of the water available in the basins
       impacted public supply and large-scale economic activities. By recycling   where they are located and compete with domestic consumption
       effluents to produce water for industrial purposes, Aquapolo delivered   and other economic activities, especially in locations where there are
       “zero impact” of climate change on several industries in the region,   large industrial consumers and limited availability. Water consumption
       while directly contributing to reducing competition for drinking water   tends to grow with the increase in population and economic activity,
       between the industrial sector and the population and other sectors of the   and in view of this, any contribution towards lower consumption and  »

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