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Small companies, big steps

       to fight climate change

       By Priscilla Zacharias, CEO of Trevo Recycling

       How small and medium sized companies may adopt strategies to add up to large results in the fight
       against climate change − and in the development of their own results.

       Climate change and environmental concerns   while incorporating ESG principles into their   governance dimensions, not only embracing
       have been remodelling the global business   culture and business strategies, which results,   responsibility for reducing environmental
       scenario, bringing to light the need for more   internally, in cost reduction, operational   impact but also taking on the responsibility of
       conscious and responsible practices. Although   efficiency, and improved productivity and,   promoting fair and inclusive practices in all of
       large companies have often been the focus   externally, leads to the attraction of ethical   its operations.
       of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance)   investors, loyal customers and competitive
       discussions, it is key to acknowledge the   advantages in their markets.  While the individual contribution of a
       role of small and medium-sized companies                                 medium-sized Brazilian company may seem
       (Pequenas e Médias Empresas − PMEs) in the   In Brazil, Trevo Reciclagem (Trevo Recycling)   small in the face of the unprecedented scale
       transition to a more sustainable future.  is an example that a medium size company   of climate change, the real achievement
                                           may perform a meaningful role in the building   resides in its pioneering action and in the
       In this constantly evolving scenario, even   of a sustainable future. As a signatory to the   combined impact of the contribution of
       though PMEs have limited resources in   United Nations (UN) Global Compact, the   similar companies. By leading by example
       comparison to large companies, they may   company is committed to principles beyond   and promoting relevant discussions on the
       adopt creative and innovative approaches   profit that involve environmental, social and   topic, Trevo Recycling not only revitalizes the

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