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                                  Instituto Mexicano para la Justicia (IMJUS) stands as a distinguished civil society
                                  organization dedicated to fostering critical awareness, thus paving the way for
                                  novel regulations and endeavours aimed at fortifying Mexico's Rule of Law.
                                  Twitter:  @IMJUS_AC

         2     PRONTAL'S JUNGLE                                 3     AGUAS BUENAS:
                                                                      A RIVER'S SONG OF RESTORATION
               JAGUARS AND FORGING
               HARMONY                                        In Guanajuato State, a unique project called Aguas Buenas weaves a tale
                                                              of balance and nourishment. Here, a river irrigates two lands, nurturing
       Nestled in the heart of Palizada, Campeche, Prontal unfolds a story   not just the soil but also the souls of the local community. Native plants,
       of guardianship and coexistence. Their journey began in 2021, when   like characters in a play, take centre stage. They offer sustenance and
       they declared the "San Jeronimito" area as a Voluntarily Designated   shelter to the indigenous fauna and become a source of sustenance for
       Conservation Area. Here, hidden among the dense jungle, camera   the community. This isn't just about planting; it's about creating harmony.
       traps silently watch over jaguars, symbols of untamed wilderness. In   River water quenches the thirst of native plants, while soil, flora and water
       a harmonious partnership with the Animal Karma Foundation, they   conservation measures protect their legacy. A replicable model for the
       erected an electric fence � a shield against predators, safeguarding   region, where nature and man waltz in harmony. Aguas Buenas sings a
       both man and beast. The annual "Conservation Forum for the Jaguar,"   river's song of restoration, where every note nurtures life.
       is a gathering that brings locals and ranchers together to learn the art
       of coexistence. Prontal's story transcends boundaries; it delves into
       the world of litigation, aiming to protect the rich flora and fauna. San
       Jeronimito dreams of the "Palizada Biological Corridor," uniting the
       community in a sustainable dance of eco-friendly activities. This is a
       story of unity, resilience and the jaguars that grace Mexico's jungles.

       Prontal is a family-owned company that manages a ranch
       transitioning from livestock farming to reforestation and biodiversity
       conservation. The ranch is in the process of being certified as a
       voluntary natural reserve.

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