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Green Technology: IT’s Critical Role

       in Global Sustainability

       The Digital Revolution and the Decarbonization Challenge: How the IT Sector is Reinventing Strategies
       for Sustainable IT.

       The fight against global warming will be marked in the history of   energy; and the change in the relationship between production and
       Humanity as the longest of the battles experienced by our civilization.   consumption � from the linear to the circular model.
       A threat that began silently, as a reflection of an Industrial Revolution
       (1850) without any environmental concern, has become consolidated   According to a study by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, full use
       in the way consumption has been established in our society, and today,   of clean energy sources will account for 55% of GHG emission
       makes eloquent � and increasingly frequent � demonstrations of its   reductions. The remaining 45% should be obtained by altering the
       power in destabilizing the planet’s climatic balance.   current economic modelling.
       Due to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Earth’s temperature is 1.1°C   As an ally in this theatre of operations, information technology has
       above pre-industrial levels. The last decade was the hottest in 125,000   been presenting fundamental solutions to optimize processes and the
       years. CO2 concentration is unprecedented in two million years. The   more rational and efficient use of physical and natural resources so
       sea is also more acidic, hotter and with an accelerating rising level.   that companies and organizations intensify strategies to decarbonize
       Glaciers have shrunk like never before in the last two thousand years.   their activities.
       Arctic ice is the smallest since the year 1000. According to researchers
       from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in the   From data intelligence and the use of disruptive technologies � such as
       Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), published in March, all this context is   the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence � it will be possible
       related to human activities.  1                        to increase productivity and simultaneously reduce environmental
                                                              impact in economic sectors such as agriculture, logistics and oil and gas.
       Under the current warming level, extreme weather events that
       occurred every 10 years have become more intense and frequent. We   High investments in technology reflect this interest. According to
       just have to look at the heatwaves that hit the Northern Hemisphere   the “Smart Agriculture Market” research, published on the Markets
       last July � considered by scientists from the U.N. World Meteorological   and Markets portal , the amount spent on software, hardware
       Organization (WMO) and Copernicus Climate Chance Service, as the   and technological services for precision agriculture, storage and
       hottest in 120,000 years.  In California, United States, the temperature   agricultural production monitoring is set to jump from US$ 16.2 billion
       reached 54°C ; in northern China, 52.2°C  and 47°C in Greece.    this year to U$ 25.4 billion in 2028 � with a constant annual growth
                                                              rate (CAGR) of 9.4%.
       The scenario � discussed at the United Nations Climate Change
       Conference (COP 28) in Dubai (UAE) � has contributed to jeopardizing   In this scenario of digitalization for decarbonization, the information
       food security in the most vulnerable countries, destabilizing economies   and communication technology (ICT) industry itself must seek a more
       and deepening poverty indicators worldwide.            efficient energy approach and solutions that contribute to mitigating
                                                              the environmental impact of its activities.
       In the campaign to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the impact   FIRST FRONT: ENERGY
       of climate change, two fronts are defined: the urgent decarbonization   As recorded by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the electric
       of the global economy, focusing on the adoption of renewable   consumption of data centres last year was between 1-1.5% of the

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