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        Trevo Recycling
        Trevo Recycling is a Brazilian
        recycling company that deals with
        post-consumption and post- industry                                                    Trev            o
        solid waste.
        Its mission is to foster sustainability                                                  Reciclagem Plástica
        in all its fronts, while implementing
        ESG strategies.                                                                

       recycling industry, but also sends a global   Our journey is not about us only, but about inspiring other
       message about the importance of a wide-
       ranging and inclusive approach to climate   “ small and medium size companies to follow the same path.
       change fighting.                          We firmly believe that transformation starts at home and,
                                                 by adopting ESG practices, we can positively influence our
       Each step towards sustainability − no matter   value chain and our community. By sharing our successes
       how large it is − contributes to a collective
       movement toward a more conscious and      and challenges, we hope other companies realize that the
       prosperous future.                        adoption of ESG strategies is not only possible but also a
                                                 competition differential and a sustainable growth driver.

                                                 Priscilla Zacharias, CEO Trevo Recycling − Brazil

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