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Guardians of Mexico's natural

       treasures: three inspiring stories

       of environmental restoration

       In a world faced with daunting global challenges, where the balance of our environment teeters on
       a precipice, there emerges a beacon of hope � a triumvirate of organizations joining forces to mend
       what has been broken. Ríos Tarango, Prontal and the Instituto Mexicano para la Justicia (IMJUS) have
       fused their collective wisdom and boundless passion to create a new champion: Red 360+1. This is not
       just another initiative, but a harmonious symphony of minds dedicated to rejuvenating Mexico's fragile
       ecosystems through a tapestry of high-impact projects.

       Within the heart of this collaborative effort   ahead is to steer local efforts towards green
       lie stories that breathe life into the mission.   markets, to craft programs that rescue,
       Stories that resonate with humanity's deepest   preserve and harmoniously utilize Mexico's
       yearning to protect and restore the natural   urban and rural ecosystems. Red 360+1 stands
       world. Here are three remarkable tales from   as the storyteller, weaving tales of hope and
       the heart of Red 360+1, showcasing best   resilience, of a nation coming together to   360+1 epitomizes a multidisciplinary
       practices that can be woven into the fabric of   safeguard its natural treasures. These are   network that provides sophisticated
       Mexico's rich landscape.            not just stories; they are a call to action, an   solutions to harness the opportunities
                                           invitation to join the symphony of guardians   within Mexico amid the global post-
       Mexico, with its vast and diverse landscape,   and become part of Mexico's environmental   COVID landscape.
       holds the potential for stories like these to   restoration narrative.    Web:
       bloom across its horizons. The challenge                                  Email:


               In the bustling heart of Mexico City, Grupo Ectagono and
               the Ríos Tarango Civil Association have been crafting a
       vision of urban renewal intertwined with social transformation. Picture
       the Barranca de Tarango, a once-neglected ravine within the Valley
       of Mexico basin, now a testament to nature's resilience. Over eight
       years of toil and devotion, a unique strategy was born � a vision rooted
       in holistic basin-centric thinking. What started in the Barranca soon
       spread its wings, reaching the urban ecosystems of Xochimilco, a
       haven of biodiversity within the chinampa region ('floating gardens').
       This approach doesn't just tackle one problem; it embraces a vision that
       addresses water stress, climate change, air quality and public health,
       all in one breath. The story of Tarango is a testament to the power of
       persistence and the potential for renewal.

                                                              Ectagono stands as a strategic consultancy, with a specialized focus on
                                                              corporate sustainable development. We gauge, formulate and execute
                                                              solutions and projects dedicated to the welfare of both individuals and
                                                              the planet.
                                                              Twitter:  @ectagono

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