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            and minimize resource consumption by
         leveraging advanced technologies, data
         analytics and artificial intelligence.

       3 ❯  Integrating Renewable Energy: Les Eaux
         Minérales d’Oulmès aims to increase the
         share of renewable sources, including
         sourcing renewable electricity, investing in
         on-site renewable energy generation and
         exploring partnerships with renewable
         energy providers.

       4 ❯  Packaging optimization is a central
          commitment, towards which Les Eaux
          Minérales d’Oulmès takes a holistic   Les Eaux Minérales d’Oulmès is the proud winner of the “Digital Demand
          approach, focusing on reducing         Driven Electricity Network” (3DN) projects pitch by the International Energy
          greenhouse gas emissions while         Agency & The UN Environment Program.
          maintaining product quality and safety.
          This involves introducing sustainable   The objective of the initiative is to accelerate the path to energy transition to
          packaging materials and incorporating   fight climate change through the digitalization of the energy systems and the
                                                 industrial performance.
          low and recycled packaging options
          through R&D efforts.

       5 ❯  Last but not least, we engage our
         supply chain and encourage suppliers
         to adopt sustainable practices and   Les Eaux Minérales d'Oulmès
         technologies, reduce emissions and
         embrace green energy solutions. By   Les Eaux Minérales d’Oulmès, subsidiary of the Holmarcom Group, is the
         investing in and promoting sustainability,   leader of the water bottling industry in Morocco, while also operating in
         Les Eaux Minérales d’Oulmès seeks to   sub-Saharan Africa. It is listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange since 1943
         create a more sustainable and resilient   and generated a turnover of 220M$ in 2022. The company is dedicated to
         transportation system.               healthy hydration and refreshment through its emblematic brands of still and
                                              sparkling mineral waters.
       Les Eaux Minérales d’Oulmès Low Carbon   Les Eaux Minérales d’Oulmès has been continuously innovating to offer
       Roadmap represents a significant step   superior quality products according to strict international standards. The
       towards a greener future, demonstrating   group is committed to driving a sustainable and responsible growth and
       the company’s commitment to aligning its   reducing its environmental footprint. Les Eaux Minérales d’Oulmès is a
       practices with climate science and global   member of the United Nations “Global Compact” and reports each year
       sustainability goals.                  on the progress made in terms of contributing to the global objectives of
                                              sustainable development.
       By embracing renewable energy, digitalization
       and ambitious emissions reduction targets,
       Les Eaux Minérales d’Oulmès paves the way
       for a more sustainable future in the Moroccan
       beverage industry.

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