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Banking on the Climate Transition:

       our journey towards Net Zero

       Luciana Nicola, Sustainability Director, Itaú Unibanco

       Climate transition is a major opportunity to rethink the 21st-century economic model. By limiting global
       warming to 1.5°C by the end of the century, we can create a more sustainable and resilient economy
       for all. Financial institutions are major allies in this transition, by providing the capital and expertise that
       businesses need to decarbonize.

       Itaú Unibanco is the largest bank in Latin   Banking, partnering with the financial industry   with no overshoot, or limited overshoot.
       America and a pioneer in the sustainability   worldwide to overcome climate challenges.  Considering the transition creates
       agenda. We have always supported our                                     opportunities, products and services that
       clients and their challenges; now we aim to be   Engagement with key stakeholders:   enable sustainable finance to be developed
       a climate transition bank for our clients and   stakeholder engagement is essential for   and scaled. We set up a target to distribute
       achieve net zero emissions by 2050.  effective climate action. We collaborate with   BRL 400 billion to positive impact sectors by
                                           our clients, suppliers, peers, government and   2025 and we have already allocated 66% of
       WHAT MAKES A CLIMATE                other stakeholders, to scale up the transition   this amount. Positive impact sectors are those
       TRANSITION BANK?                    and discuss priorities. Through engagement   which contribute to the climate transition, the
       Net zero commitments aligned with high   an organization can ensure every point of   safeguarding of the environment, or have a
       integrity standards: making a commitment to   view is considered, enables prioritization and   positive impact on society.
       achieve net zero emissions is a first but crucial   allows translating ambitions into practice.
       step to internalize climate change within the                            Innovative solutions are necessary: many
       strategy. It provides the foundation for climate   Implementation of the climate transition   solutions to decarbonize are not widely
       action and points to the level of ambition.   strategy: the first step to implementation   available yet. Solutions must be developed
       We are members of the Net Zero Banking   is setting climate targets aligned to climate   and scaled up. We created Cubo ESG, a
       Alliance and the Principles for Responsible   scenarios that limit global warming to 1.5°C   hub focused on supporting the development

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