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        Vale is one of the world’s largest producers of iron ore and nickel and a major
        copper producer, headquartered in Brazil and operates around the world. Its
        operations comprise integrated logistics systems, including approximately 2,000
        kilometres of railways, marine terminals and 10 ports distributed around the globe.

                                       represent about 35% of Vale’s scope 3   as the world transitions to a low-carbon future,
                                       emissions. Agreements were also reached with   Vale reached two separate agreements to sell
                                       Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the   13% stake in its base metals business, aiming
                                       Sultanate of Oman to create mega hubs for the   to boost nickel and copper production to
                                       production of hot briquetted iron (HBI) and high-  300,000 and 900,000 metric tons per year,
                                       quality steel products using iron ore briquettes.  respectively.

                                       A Standalone Company to Scale Energy   Socio-Environmental Commitment:
                                       Transition Metals                     Protecting the Amazon
                                       Vale Base Metals has secured agreements to   Vale has been present in the Amazon for
                                       supply low carbon and high purity nickel to   almost 40 years. The Vale Technological
                                       major automakers and is strategically focused   Institute - Sustainable Development (ITV) has
                                       on expanding mine of life and development of   already mapped 12,000 genetic references of
                                       growth project across the portfolio.   biodiversity in the Amazon biome, in addition to
                                                                             sequencing 50 genomes of plants and animals.
                                       Uniquely positioned to deliver into the
                                       unprecedented demand for nickel and copper

                                                             Carajás National Forest/Vale’s protected conservation unit. Photo © RicardoTeles.

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