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        By committing to traceability, origin certification and rigorous
        monitoring in environmental, social and climate areas, while actively
        promoting good practices, we can effectively facilitate the transition of
        small and medium-scale miners towards legality and responsible mining.
        Fênix DTVM is a financial institution authorized by the Central Bank
        of Brazil. As a key player in acquisition and trading of gold, we have
        experienced rapid and solid growth driven by innovation and new
        technologies. Established in 2020, we were born fully committed to
        integrity, sustainability, governance and compliance.

                                                                     Aerial view of a gold mine in the supply chain monitored by Blockchain.

       Supplier’s Enhanced Due Diligence   Promotion of Good Mining Practices   small and medium-scale miners, as well as
       Fênix DTVM establishes rigorous compliance   One of the actions developed was the   raise awareness among artisanal miners about
       standards throughout its gold supply chain.   collaborative agreement signed with an   the environmental, social and climate benefits.
       For instance, Certimine, an independent   European association that promotes best
       company, conducts on-site visits to suppliers   practices in small and medium-scale gold   Commitment to the Future
       and certifies the origin of the gold.  mining. Following environmental, social   By committing to traceability, origin
                                           and governance criteria established by the   certification and rigorous monitoring in
       During these visits, Certimine examines   association, participating mines can receive a   environmental, social and climate areas, while
       multiple criteria, including adherence to   cashback of US$1 for every gram of gold sold,   actively promoting good practices, we can
       authorized areas for gold exploration, a   which must be used to promote social and   effectively facilitate the transition of small
       comparison between mining activity and   environmental projects, aiming to generate   and medium-scale miners towards legality
       transaction volume, assessment of human   value for stakeholders.        and responsible mining. This contributes
       rights conditions, compliance with operational                           economically to the communities in which
       licenses and extraction permits, and   Non responsible use of mercury in ore   they operate and represents a direct and real
       adherence to environmental regulations.  processing can pollute rivers and the   contribution to combating climate change
                                           atmosphere. In order to comply with the   in accordance with SDG 13 (Climate Action).
       The objective is to ensure that extraction   National Action Plan for the Elimination of   Together, we can take on this challenge,
       areas are regenerated through actions such as   Mercury Use in Gold Mining and adhere   generating jobs, preserving the environment,
       the recovery of degraded areas, reforestation   to the Minamata Convention, Fênix works   protecting communities and contributing to
       programs and biodiversity mapping. In this   together with the Research Center for   an increasingly sustainable future.
       way, the aim is to ensure the legality of gold   Responsible Mining at the University of São
       while mitigating the environmental impacts   Paulo (USP), which seeks to identify initiatives
       related to climate change.          to enable the replacement of mercury for

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