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Public policies to boost the energy
transition: academic smart solutions
to public and private organizations
By Cácia Pimentel and Maria João Rolim
Public policies play a critical role in establishing a stable environment to facilitate the global energy
transition. Policymakers can set the direction and pace of the transition by implementing policies
that increase in stringency over time, such as emissions offset and trading schemes, carbon taxes,
government procurement, awards and subsidies, among other instruments.
Universities and research centers can offer This way, when public policies are offered by
technical assistance, planning resources, national and sub-national governments, the
customized consulting and training to help Mackenzie Center contributes by offering in-
public and private organizations achieve depth studies with legal tools and regulatory
energy goals related to local resource solutions. The responsibility for the great
reliance, institutional, social and economic dilemmas faced by the nation also belongs to
resilience, enhanced institutional capacity and civil society, including academic centers.
lower energy costs.
For this reason, the Mackenzie Integrity
The Mackenzie Integrity Center for Public Center developed, among its program
Policy is providing support to organizations areas, a distinguished energy governance
to achieve a just transition. The Mackenzie program to study the energy governance in
Integrity Center is an academic institute in São Brazil, such as its comparative advantages
Paulo, linked to the one of the most acclaimed and technical and regulatory limitations.
universities in Brazil. The philosophy The focus is to allow the modernization of Dr. Cácia Pimentel (left) and Dr. Maria João Rolim (right)
behind the Mackenzie Center is to offer the regulatory infrastructure that leverages
the grounds to bring together researchers, the energy transition in Brazil, not only with The modernization of infrastructure and
public authorities, technical and C-Level socio-environmental protection, but also with logistics is also a topic studied by the energy
representatives of the public and private development and economic growth. governance program at the Mackenzie
spheres in an integrity center to analyze Center, as it is one of the main bottlenecks
Brazilian challenges and prepare proposals Brazil has a large comparative advantage in in the energy transition. The necessary
that can be implemented in public policies, relation to the rest of the world to reach the investments are substantial and require
providing advances for the country. global target of decarbonization of at least greater constructive collaboration between
80% by 2050. The Brazilian energy matrix public authorities and the private sector,
It is an unprecedented initiative in Brazil that is composed of 45% clean energy, while including international financing and the
presents legal, scientific and technological the world average is only 15%. However, the participation of multilateral development
action, which encourages the development growth in the use of fossil energy sources, banks. Studies by the Mackenzie Center
of research with high academic performance, diesel subsidies and other policies that indicate the most effective tools to bring
as well as promoting excellence in consulting promote deforestation and greater emissions security to financial investment flows,
and advanced courses for the improvement of greenhouse gases put at risk the socio- including a more competitive business
and proposition of public policies and environmental ecosystems, the sustainable environment and carbon credits as a payback
business guidelines, which ensure integrity in economic growth and the goals established for the investments in a low-carbon economy.
the economic sector. by Brazil in multilateral organizations. Energy
policies need more precise legal contours that The energy transition needs to be grounded in
Integrity translates into the global pragmatically lead to the target of sustainable security pillars and consider the ecosystem’s
understanding of a problem, thinking about all development, by restructuring the production infrastructure and resilience to avoid severe
the facets involved, whether ethical, scientific, of biofuels and bioelectrification, providing a economic dislocations and ensure social and
technological, legal, regulatory, economic, regulatory structure for CCUS technologies, financial support. The energy governance
socio-environmental and political. This way, and taking advantage of the legal framework professors and researchers of the Mackenzie
the Mackenzie Center works not only upon for innovation, the agricultural sector, the Integrity Center are committed to delivering
demand from the public or private initiative, extensive coastline and the diversity of a complete cycle of highly qualified and
but it identifies the need and acts in the Brazilian biomes. structuring education and regulatory solutions.
elaboration of proposals to face the problems.