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                                                                         Raw material
       This initiative sponsors an unprecedented project in Brazil:   PRODUCTS
       Rede contra redes [Net against (fishing) nets], from our                     NEUTRALITY
       partners Sea Shepherd Brazil. The project includes                                        Logistics chain
       training with professional divers and underwater   Team                                   Cultural projects
                                                                                                 Physical and online stores
       cleanup to remove over a ton of fishing nets,    Marketing campaigns
       just in its first phase.           Sociocultural initiatives

       Initiatives such as this are vital to broadening
       the protection of various animals that are part
       of the marine ecosystem and safeguarding life   DIVERSITY                               REVERSE
       in and out of the Oceans.                                                              LOGISTICS

       Additionally, our Simple Bag is made with
       water-soluble ingredients. Once you dissolve                     FRONTS
       it, the liquid residue that arrives at the sewage                                         Eu Reciclo label
                                                                                                 Physical and online stores
         treatment plant will be consumed by
               microorganisms. And if the bag
                   eventually reaches the oceans,           PARTNERSHIPS           LABELS AND
                       it will slowly dissolve,                                   CERTIFICATIONS
                          becoming safe food for fish
                            and other animals since it
                               doesn’t disintegrate into
                                    Moreover, our operation with
                                      the Eu Reciclo [I Recycle]
                                       label certifies that we offset
                                        100% of the packaging we  In May 2023, we also sponsored the carbon offsetting of the largest
                                         put in the market through  free music event in Latin America, TIM Music Rio, on the world-famous
                                          the work of recycling   Copacabana beach. This neutralization was also accomplished by
                                           cooperatives, thus   agroforestry regenerative planting.
                                           also promoting job
                                            creation.         Likewise, we neutralize the carbon emission from our logistics chain
                                                              and the operation of our chain of stores. Shoppers can also offset
                                            Carbon Neutrality   carbon from their packages’ shipping on our e-commerce.
                                            efforts beyond the
                                            company           As a digitally native brand, Simple Organic’s pro-sustainability stance
                                            We perform net    has gained vast ground through its own e-commerce and social
                                            zero initiatives   media profiles, which add up to 1.5 million engaged followers. The
                                            through regenerative   brand is also in 1,500 pharmacies and has the segment’s largest
                                           planting in        franchise network in Brazil.
                                           agroforestry regions.
                                          Our partnership with   We believe that individual actions impact the collective future.
                                         Agroforestry Carbon,   Everyone must embrace initiatives to preserve the planet, with respect
                                         apart from neutralizing   for diversity and a conscious look at sustainability. It’s all about making
                                        emissions, supports the   the process as sustainable as possible.
                                      practice of regenerative
                                     planting and produces a source  Given all this, Simple Organic is more
                                   of income for small agricultural   than a skincare brand; it’s a MOVEMENT.

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