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Vale: improving lives and

       transforming the future

       Decarbonizing the industry is Vale’s commitment to society and the planet.

       Vale is among the leaders in the supply of   such as ethanol, biodiesel and ammonia.
       essential products for the development of   Means of transport´s electrification enters this
       global production chains and is focused on   composition as an auxiliary strategy.
       the practice of sustainable mining, with low-
       carbon solutions and a focus on disciplined   Regarding Scope 2 emissions, the focus
       capital allocation.                 is on making the energy matrix 100%
                                           renewable and improving energy efficiency.
       Vale’s climate change strategy reflects the   Today, approximately 90% of the electricity
       strategic pillar of promoting low-carbon   consumed by operations worldwide already
       solutions. The company has set ambitious   comes from renewable sources. Vale wants
       targets: to reduce Scopes 1 and 2 absolute   to bring this amount to 100% by 2025 in its
       greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by   operations in Brazil and by 2030 in the rest
       33% by 2030 and to reach net zero by   of the world. In July in Brazil, the company
       2050 for direct emissions (scope 1) and   reached maximum operating capacity at the
       indirect emissions associated to electricity   Sol do Cerrado solar energy complex, one of
       consumption (scope 2).              the largest in Latin America.

       Vale is also committed to reducing Scope   Low-Carbon Solutions for Steel
       3 net emissions by 15% by 2035, which   Carbon intensive, the mining and steel
       represents more than 80 million tonnes of   sectors account for about 15% of global GHG
       CO2e, the equivalent to New Zealand’s   emissions. Contributing to a sustainable cycle,
       emissions. To reach Scope 3 target, Vale   Vale has been developing a portfolio of high
       relies on a high-quality portfolio and   quality and technological products, in addition
       innovative technology to provide solutions to   to optimizing the routes of production
       decarbonize the value chain; partnership and   processes. The iron ore briquette, a product
       engagement with clients and suppliers; and the   developed over almost 20 years, reduces
       limited use of high-integrity carbon credits.  CO2 emissions from steelmaking by up to
                                           10% by potentially replacing sintering process
       One of the measures adopted in this   in the BF-BoF route.
       decarbonization journey is the replacement
       of fossil fuel with cleaner alternatives. The   In the last two years, partnerships for
       technological route to achieve net zero GHG   decarbonization solutions were also signed
       emissions involves a set of fuel solutions   with around 50 steel customers, which

        In July in Brazil, the company

        reached maximum operating

        capacity at the Sol do Cerrado

        solar energy complex, one of the
        largest in Latin America

                                                                 Sol do Cerrado solar power plant: installed capacity of 766 megawatts-peak.

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