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Implementation of climate policies:

       how can geotechnology and data assist?

       The Codex team works to facilitate and optimize the clients decision making processes in the public
       and private sectors, in order to guarantee security and efficiency. Our main areas of operation are:
       Environmental Monitoring, Data Drive Public Policies, Spatial Data Infrastructure and Digital Government.

       In Environmental Monitoring, with the use of   more efficient and sustainable natural   geotechnologies and artificial intelligence,
       high resolution satellite images, it is possible   resource management.  thus acting predictively to curb environmental
       to map change detections in land cover                                   violations. The institute has enhanced
       without the need of fieldwork. The solution   With reference to geospatial technologies, we   transparency of environmental information
       developed by Codex in collaboration   work in the creation and implementation of   and services to society and integrated various
       with the Institute of Environment of Mato   systems that allow integration, access, sharing   systems within the institution to enable
       Grosso do Sul (IMASUL) enables teams to   and dissemination of data. The Geospatial   integrated consumption of geographic
       manage and monitor alerts for wildfires and   Analysis and Environmental Information   information. The integration carried out by
       deforestation using georeferenced data and   Monitoring Platform � PAMGIA centralizes   IBAMA assists in the unification of national
       high-resolution satellite imagery, thereby   and dynamically integrates environmental   information by the Brazilian state, so that local
       generating environmental reports on the   information from IBAMA (The Brazilian   institutions can access data that comes from
       platform that assist in territorial oversight   Institute of the Environment and Renewable   the largest Brazilian environmental institute.
       and environmental preservation. The   Natural Resources), allowing data to be viewed
       solution presented at COP27 has become   statistically and geospatially by users. This   In addition, we are developing an
       an international reference in environmental   aims to improve access, control, management   international Geospatial Intelligence
       deforestation monitoring. As the state of   and availability of environmental information.   Hub at Suriname, financed by the IDB,
       Mato Grosso do Sul takes a significant   The platform's main outcomes include real-  one of its objectives is to establish Data
       step towards controlling and combating   time monitoring of enforcement operations   Governance so that public policies can be
       deforestation and wildfires, it also promotes   against deforestation and forest fires using   coordinated through effective and accurate

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