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       information to assist in public strategies
       aimed at mitigating environmental
       impacts. Data from various institutions will
       be structured with the goal of having a
       standardized format that can be aggregated
       into a massive database. Roles for data
       governance stakeholders will be created, as
       well as the project's structure, to ensure its
       continuity over the years and its evolution
       based on the country's needs and reality.

       When we explain Data Driven Public Policies,
       we are a tool of implementation of public
       policies. Our products helps governments
       to improve their work with data. The use
       of Big Data and Data Science are effective
       in the actions against climate change;
       specialized applications and databases are   Codex is a corporation that operates in the geotechnology,
       being developed to combat deforestation   utilities and environment fields, with solutions regarding digital
       and climate change, as well as assist wildfire   transformation for sustainable development. Codex is part of
       control at the national level. The main goal   Imagem Group, ESRI's official distributor in Brazil, developing
       of Codex is the implementation of tools for   solutions with ArcGIS platform integrating with MAXAR´s high
       an effective climate agenda that can assist
       social dynamics in a way that information   resolution satellite imagery. Our projects actively contribute to
       derived from data is effective in shaping   the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals with
       environmental public policies.        more than 180 projects in the last 3 years.

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