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        The Ports of Paraná are a port complex, composed of the
        ports of Paranaguá and Antonina. Strategically located
        in Brazil’s southern region, the port terminals have the
        capacity to handle all types of cargo (grain, container,
        fluids) and can receive up to 24 ships at the same time,
        with static capacity of 4 million tons of grain.

       With these actions, the Ports of Paraná seek not only to encourage the   Considering its economic importance to South America, the enterprise
       recovery of degraded areas, but to do so in a sustainable manner that   has projects to expand their port capacity in a sustainable way, by
       brings biodiversity to the region as well as food sovereignty for the   building new piers with modern systems that aim for greater process
       most vulnerable populations. These actions focus on food and native   efficiency. Apart from economic and environmental performance,
       species with recognised economic value. In addition, this plan aims to   the Ports of Paraná aim to support the social development of the
       reduce the erosion of river banks and, consequently, the sedimentation   state’s coast, seeking integration and balance between communities,
       of navigation channels, thus reducing the need for dredging events.  environment, culture and economy, with the entire port process.

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