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       The report, together with the platform, comes at a time when the
       field of sustainability reporting has witnessed significant growth in   Ehfaaz
       recent years, with numerous frameworks and standards emerging
       to guide companies in disclosing their ESG information. However,   Ehfaaz is a circular economy start-up committed to
       despite the progress made in reporting standards and reporting tools,   closed-loop recycling. We are on a mission to give used
       reporting on end-of-life product treatment has become something   resources a new life by using food and Fast-Moving
       of an Achilles heel. While the current reporting frameworks available   Consumer Goods (FMCG) waste to produce organic
       provide valuable insights into a company’s sustainability performance,   compost and cleaning products. Ehfaaz is committed to
       none of them specifically and effectively address end-of-life product   modernizing recycling and waste management methods
       treatment and its associated emissions. They are often overlooked
       or not given enough focus as a result of the limited clarity in how   to advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
       to do the reporting. The irony, though, is that corporations may not   (SDGs) for a more sustainable world. Ehfaaz is now a
       effectively achieve their emissions targets without addressing this   leader in providing the UAE with a viable economical,
       elephant in the room. Incorporating end-of-life product treatment into   innovative, and sustainable alternative to land filling or
       corporate reporting frameworks will provide a holistic understanding of   incineration. We continuously aim to create a circular
       a company’s environmental impact, drive circular economy practices,   economy that promotes the efficient use of resources
       foster collaboration and earn consumer trust. Closing this reporting
       gap is an essential step towards a more sustainable future, where   and encourages the recycling of materials at a high
       FMCG companies actively contribute to global efforts to combat   enough quality to create new products. We partner
       climate change. This landmark venture marks a pivotal shift towards   with businesses to ensure that we support them meet
       holistic sustainability reporting. By addressing the void in end-of-life   their sustainability goals all while adding value to other
       emissions data, Ehfaaz lays the groundwork for a circular economy   industries and protecting our planet.
       ethos. By embracing transparent reporting and fostering collaboration,
       the initiative charts a course toward a more sustainable future, where
       FMCG companies lead the charge in combating climate change.


           7 M                 114 K                 2.5 M                  277 K                  3.5 M

         tonnes of CO2e       equivalent tree         litres of diesel     equivalent bulbs         kg of coal

         prevented            seedlings planted       not consumed         switched to LED          not burned


          Compliant UN SDG's

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