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       total volume of energy produced in the world. In exact numbers, 201
       TWh , equivalent to 40.4% of all electricity consumed by Brazil in
       2021 (497 TWh).
       The ‘hyperscalers,’ large-scale data processing providers, consumed
       the largest share: 93 TWh. Next came cloud servers (69 TWh) and
       traditional data centres (39 TWh).

       Beyond data centres, measuring the total electricity consumption of
       the sector is a challenge, due to its vast capillarity. However, for the
       sake of analysis, the British consultancy Transforma Insights suggests,
       for example, that new devices equipped with IoT sensors will increase
       the sector’s electric expenditure by 34 TWh by 2030.

       Equally complex is the calculation regarding the GHG emissions of the
       ICT industry. According to the IEA, data centres and data transmission                 Eduardo Marini, CEO, green4T
       networks would account for 0.6% of global CO2 emissions .
       For researchers from Lancaster University (UK) and Small World   Part of this efficiency achieved is measured by the metric called Power
       Consulting, who authored the report The climate impact of ICT: A   Usage Effectiveness (PUE), which presents indices ranging between
       review of estimates, trends and regulations, from 2020, the more precise   1 and 3, where the latter indicates a highly inefficient infrastructure
       percentage would be between 2.1-3.9%.  In worse scenarios, such as   (spending 3x more than the possible efficiency scenario).
       the one estimated by Swedish researcher Anders Andrae, the world’s
       data centres will consume about 20% of the electricity produced in the   In 2022, our team of specialists produced a simulation regarding the
       world, being responsible for 5.5% of carbon emissions. 12   optimization of PUE in Brazil � from 2.40 (consumption index of the
                                                              sector in the country) to 1.67, close to the global average. This would
       Seeking alignment with the goal established by countries in the Paris   allow for an energy saving of 4.7 TWh, equivalent to the electrical
       Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate   charge consumed by 2.4 million Brazilian families.
       Change (UNFCCC), to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-
       industrial levels, the ICT sector would need to reduce its emissions   THE WATER FACTOR
       by 45% by the end of this decade � as guided by the International   Another relevant point in the debate about the energy efficiency
       Telecommunication Union (ITU), the UN agency for information   journey of data is the reduction of water consumption in the cooling
       technologies.                                          process of data centres.
       Therefore, all companies, organizations and governments that require   This practice is common in the industry to prevent server overheating,
       data processing for their activities will need to embark on a journey   especially among large ‘hyperscaler’ companies. One of these “tech
       of energy efficiency in their IT strategy, aiming to reduce GHG   giants,” for example, claimed to have used 4.3 billion gallons of water
       emissions and mitigate the environmental cost.         � about 16.2 billion litres � for this purpose in 2021.  Another company
                                                              admitted to having consumed 84 million litres in the same year to cool
       green4T has been working to reduce electricity consumption in data   just one data centre in Middenmeer, northern Netherlands. 16
       centres, private clouds and near-edge, far-edge ecosystems by up
       to 60% � essential parts of the technological infrastructure that have   The connection between data processing and water consumption is
       allowed the exponential growth of digital businesses. 14  simple to understand: the more the adoption of disruptive technologies
                                                              like artificial intelligence and machine learning advances, the more the
       The strategy includes the adoption of multidisciplinary management   number of data processing cycles grows. This implies the development
       actions, which operate in the physical (hardware) and logical (software)   of even more potent computers that, to process quickly, use more
       fields of data processing environments. The aim is to promote a more   energy and heat the servers. Water use comes in as an alternative to
       positive relationship between the energy consumption of the data we   air induction cooling systems in the environment.   »
       need on our digital journey.

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