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        As mentioned, responding to global climate change     AkzoNobel's absolute energy consumption in operations
        is an urgent priority, compelling AkzoNobel and other   decreased by 4% and relative energy consumption
        businesses to take resolute action. In alignment with the   decreased by 7%. Furthermore, all production sites in
        Paris Agreement, AkzoNobel is actively striving toward   North America, Europe and Latin America now operate
        sustainable value indicators, which include: reducing   with 100% renewable electricity, marking a significant
        carbon emissions by 50% in its operations, cutting    milestone following a 48% reduction in waste to landfill
        carbon emissions by 50% across the entire value chain   versus the 2018 baseline. These achievements are not the
        and achieving 100% circular material usage in operations   final destination. Responding to climate change is only part
        through reduction, reuse and recycling. AkzoNobel     of the overall sustainable development goal. The circular
        also aims for 50% of its revenue to come from more    economy presents more opportunities, despite significant
        sustainable solutions.                                challenges. By adopting this economic model early,
                                                              AkzoNobel has achieved notable circular solutions, such as
        AkzoNobel continues to develop radical solutions to   a unique two-layer coating method that reduces material
        combat climate change. One such innovation is KeepCool   usage and improves labour productivity while maintaining
        Technology, which uses special pigments to reflect infrared   superior performance similar to the conventional three-
        heat, keeping exterior walls up to 5°C cooler in the Dulux   layer coating method. This material reduction goal is
        Weathershield product line. To reduce solvent emissions,   further supported by Sprayvision, a data technology that
        AkzoNobel is converting specialty wood coatings and   adjusts materials according to surface needs. This data-
        decorative paints to water-based technology, targeting over   driven coating technology helps customers save time,
        half of its production. Additionally, in the furniture sector,   ensure perfect coverage and reduce waste.
        AkzoNobel is implementing circular solutions by increasing
        the use of renewable materials in finishing products.  AkzoNobel is also using renewable materials as bio-based
                                                              binders in decorative paints and producing recycled paints
        It's important to note that climate change and        from waste materials. These circular paint lines have
        sustainable development must be collective efforts,   been launched in some European countries under the
        not the responsibility of a single business or country.   Sikkens and Dulux brands. Despite certain cost challenges,
        This common goal requires strong collaboration among   AkzoNobel's circular, more sustainable solutions genuinely
        businesses, organizations and governments. Focusing on   enhance user health and happiness. The bio-based paint
        green transformation, carbon reduction, innovation and   line protects walls from harmful pollutants, providing
        cooperation, AkzoNobel gathers resources from partners   cleaner indoor air and fresher homes. AkzoNobel's wood
        across the value chain to address main challenges.    coating line ensures that high moisture MDF wood interiors
        AkzoNobel continues to work with ecosystem partners on   and exteriors eliminate harmful volatile compounds.
        research and transformation activities.
                                                              Since its foundation in 1792, AkzoNobel has positioned
        Thanks to these combined efforts, AkzoNobel has       itself as a brand that brings colour to spaces, protecting vital
        achieved impressive results. By 2023, compared to 2018,   values in life: family bonds, creativity, social development

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