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Establishment of the Corporate  Transfer of Sustainability   Establishing a Responsible Supply
                               Architecture for Sustainability   Processes to SAP Platform   Chain Management System
         2023              14064  Obtaining GHG Calculation   Publication of the First   NET    2040 Net Zero Target
                               and Verification Management
                                                            Sustainability Report
                               System Certificate

                               First Carbon Disclosure  Participation in the   Application for      Climate Risk
                               Project Reporting       BIST Sustainability   Bloomberg's Gender   Reporting
         2024                                          Index                Equality Index
                               First ESG Rating from   Equal Opportunity    Obtaining Leed        2030 Almost Net
                           ESG                                                                NET
                           RATING  an International Rating   Certificate     Certificate        ZERO  Zero Targets

                               Water Footprint Calculation  Publication of the First   Conducting Life Cycle
         2025              14046  and Verification           Integrated Report          Analysis Calculations
                               Obtaining Energy Management   Commencement of Preparatory
                                                            Work for the Issuance of Green Bonds

         2030                                       NET    ALMOST NET ZERO

         2040                                       ZERO   NET ZERO

        of the importance of adapting its strategies to new   sustainability practices. We expect all our suppliers to
        challenges and opportunities. Developments such as    adhere to these guidelines, ensuring that our supply chain
        the Russia-Ukraine war, the Green Deal Industrial Plan   operations respect human rights, protect the environment
        announced by the European Union to ensure energy      and comply with International Labour Organization (ILO)
        security and the US Senate's Inflation Reduction Act (IRA),   and United Nations principles. Furthermore, starting
        which aims to increase the country's renewable energy   in 2024, we are implementing polysilicon traceability
        production potential as part of the fight against inflation,   requirements to enhance transparency and accountability
        are among the important issues we take into account   across our supply chain.
        when developing our sustainable growth and investment
        strategies. As stated in our corporate strategy document,   As Smart Solar Technologies looks to the future, it
        we aim to start investment activities in 2024 for US panel   remains steadfast in its mission to drive the green
        and cell production facilities with a total capacity of 3 GW   energy transition. With a Net Zero target set for 2040, the
        in at least two states, the feasibility of which has been   company is on a path to achieving significant reductions
        completed in 2023.                                    in carbon emissions across its operations. Through
                                                              strategic investments, innovative products and a strong
        Enhancing Supply Chain Sustainability                 commitment to sustainability, Smart Solar Technologies is
        A significant milestone in 2023 for Smart Solar       not only shaping the future of the energy industry but also
        Technologies was the launch of our Sustainable Supply   contributing to the global effort to combat climate change.
        Chain Management project. We have developed a
        comprehensive Supply Chain Policy and Supplier Code of
        Conduct, which are being integrated into all our corporate

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