Page 28 - Respond 2022 Magazine
P. 28


          commitment to

          People. Planet. Paint.

          A TRACK RECORD OF                 through the launch of People. Planet. Paint.   waste and to recycle wasted water at our
          SUSTAINABILITY                    Our approach to sustainable business.  most water intensive sites. These ambitions
          Sustainability is one of our core values                             are not only achievable but we’re on track
          and is integrated in everything we do.   PEOPLE. PLANET. PAINT:      to get there.
          Whether it’s coatings that protect against   THE KEY TO SUSTAINABILITY
          bacteria, save energy usage or transform   People: We act with integrity and respect   Paint: Currently, AkzoNobel generates
          spaces through colour, we’re experts in   human rights across our operations and   approximately 40% of our revenue from
          looking beyond the surface in order to bring   value chain, embracing diversity and   sustainable solutions, which is the highest
          them to life. Sustainability is integrated in   inclusion, to transform the communities in   in the industry. However, it is not enough.
          everything we do, and it’s been in our DNA   which we operate. It's about ensuring a safe   AkzoNobel continues to focus on innovation
          since 1792.                       and diverse work environment, developing   and pioneering new products that have a
                                            our talented workforce, embracing our   sustainability benefit. By 2030, AkzoNobel
          We’ve become a member in various   values and our approach to human   aims sustainable solutions to make up more
          associations and organizations, which   rights. AkzoNobel supports the Universal   than 50% of the company’s revenue.
          align with our sustainability approach,   Declaration on Human Rights, the UN
          namely, the World Green Building Council,   Guiding Principles on Business and Human   Today, AkzoNobel has committed to
          United Nations Global Compact, Together   Rights, and the Declaration of Fundamental   tackling climate change and helping the
          for Sustainability, RE100, The Dutch   Principles and Rights at Work of the   company’s customers reduce their own
          Sustainable Growth Coalition, the Ocean   International Labor Organization.  carbon emissions through intelligently
          CleanUp, SOS Children’s Villages and more.                           designed products and solutions. These
                                            Planet: For many years, we’ve been working   include the following:
          Our efforts have also been recognized   to operate in a more sustainable way, and
          by Sustainalytics (assessed as low risk,   we continue to take steps to reduce our   Reduction of Urban Heat Island effect:
          the best possible rating in our industry),   environmental impact through reformed   Cities experience the “urban heat island
          EcoVadis (Platinum rating placing us in the   value chains. We focus particularly on   effect”, especially those cities that are
          top 1% of all companies studied), MSCI (AAA   reducing energy use, carbon emissions,   subject to temperatures of 35°C and above
          rating for six consecutive years), Vigeo Eiris   VOCs and waste, while increasing our use   throughout the year. This results in growing
          (first in our industry), Corporate Knights   of renewable energy and materials.   energy consumption, which is needed to
          Clean200 and more.                Our aim is to reduce carbon emissions in   cool down buildings. What many people
                                            our own operations by 50% by 2030 and   are unaware of, however, is the fact that the
          As a leader in our industry AkzoNobel is   by 42% across the whole value chain of a   materials used on exterior façades can have
          committed to playing our part in pioneering   2020 baseline, reduce energy consumption   a significant impact on the temperature
          a world of possibilities to bring surfaces   by 30% by 2030, and use 100% renewable   inside a building.
          to life while empowering people and   electricity by 2030. We also have an
          minimizing our impact on the planet   ambition to produce zero non-reusable   When infrared radiation from the sun
                                                                               strikes the surface of a building, some
                                                                               of it is reflected and some is absorbed
                                                                               in the form of heat. This causes the
                                                                               exterior wall of the building to increase in
                                                                               temperature, and this heat is subsequently
                                                                               transmitted to the interior of the building.
                                                                               Thanks to innovative technology and
                                                                               smart formulation modelling software, our
                                                                               researchers have developed strategies
                                                                               to increase the solar reflectivity of our
                                                                               coatings. We’ve carefully managed the
                                                                               pigments we use in our paints to create
                                                                               striking colours while at the same time
                                                                               significantly increasing the amount of
                                                                               infrared radiation which is reflected by
                                                                               building façades. The result is a difference
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