Page 25 - Respond 2022 Magazine
P. 25

Photo: © Iguá Saneamento

          filtering companies with good practices   We cannot just depend on the growth of   advances. We were also able to quickly
          from companies with bad practices from   emerging markets, but also on our ability   incorporate transparency practices into
          an ESG metrics standpoint. However,   to identify assets that can be transformed   the company's corporate governance and
          experience shows that most companies in   and valued based on good ESG practices.   supply chain and fight corruption in the
          emerging markets do not yet have good   The local market wins, consumers win,   infrastructure sector in Brazil.
          ESG practices.                    society wins and the planet wins because
                                            all can buy, use and enjoy more sustainable   All of this was directly reflected in the
          Very few companies in emerging markets   businesses and products. And, of course,   appreciation of the assets we acquired in
          adopt ESG metrics and, most importantly,   the investor wins, because, in addition   a short turnaround time (approximately
          very few incorporate such metrics as   to contributing to the well-being of the   4 years) and in the attraction of large
          performance indicators (KPIs). Even fewer   impacted communities, he/she can   international funds for the long-term
          still integrate these metrics into strategic   generate a good return. Therefore, investing   financing of investments, while monitoring
          planning policies and thus, the financial   in emerging markets is very worthwhile,   ESG metrics as part of the company's KPIs.
          valuation of the company. High levels of   as there are a large number of businesses   Recently, Iguá Saneamento was evaluated
          environmental pollution ("E"), low levels of   that can be significantly valued by serious   by GRESB ( and received ESG
          social development, social discrimination   and responsible work in implementing   scores comparatively above the average
          and little gender and race diversity in   ESG policies. This is what we call “ESG in   of sanitation companies in North America
          decision-making positions in the workplace   Action” and by through we have aligned   and Europe.
          ("S"), and high rates of corruption and lack   all our portfolio companies with the Net
          of transparency in corporate governance of   Zero race, diversity, equality and inclusion   We cannot continue to think of investments
          companies (“G”) are, unfortunately, factors   clear targets and internationally recognized   in emerging markets in a traditional way,
          that determine the realities of emerging   governance practices.     focusing only on generating value from
          markets.                                                             growth. We need to have the purpose of
                                            I can cite a practical example. The biggest   providing our investors with returns, but
          What to do then? Not to invest in emerging   investment we've made so far in emerging   while also transforming and valuing assets
          markets? Thinking about sustainable   markets has been in the sanitation area   in emerging markets with ESG metrics with
          finance implies the understanding that a   in Brazil (Iguá Saneamento S.A.), an   a broader social and environmental impact
          more sustainable planet requires a more   area in which the country has a lot of   in mind.
          sustainable form of global capitalism. In this   need and which, for obvious reasons,
          sense, emerging markets cannot be left   has a huge impact on people's lives as
          out of investments with the requirement to   well as the environment. The "ESG in
          adopt good ESG practices.         Action" transformation has enabled our
                                            sanitation company to positively impact
          For this to be possible, investments in   the communities it serves, with innovative
          emerging markets should focus not only   engineering projects, the use of materials
          on economic growth, but, essentially, on   and construction methods that reduce in
          transforming companies based on ESG   carbon emissions, the creation of renewable
          metrics. The focus should be on carrying   energy solutions, an accelerated increase in
          out business turnarounds in emerging   the capacity to collect and treat sewage, the
          markets with the implementation of   reduction of water loss with the involvement
          social and environmental governance in   of local communities and social and
          companies' performance indicators.  environmental awareness, amongst other
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