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rtcc respoNd

We aim to become a global

company with high aspiratons to

contribute to the world and be

trusted by people

Nobuaki Katoh, President and CEO, DENSO Corporaton

the number of cars owned has climbed to 1.5 billion (1.5 energy saving, energy creaton and energy storage
tmes the number in 2010). At this rate, the number of technologies.
trafc accidents will also rise and two million people are In the future, every associate in the DENSO Group
expected to lose their lives each year. will take to heart our slogan of “Protectng lives,
I believe that a sustainable society capable of solving Preserving the planet, and Preparing a bright future
issues such as these is a society that does not push the for generatons to come” and directly tackle a host of
planet to the brink and where people can live enriched issues facing society while actvely being involved in
lives. In working to achieve this, we have created fnding solutons.
our image of an ideal society in 2020 that envisions
“Preserve the planet” and “Security and Safety.”
The DENSO Group has declared that we will
take our utmost eforts in environmental felds to
reduce environmental impacts on society as a whole
by focusing on fuel efciency, CO2 reductons and 77
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