Page 82 - index
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using them for driving third
partes around. Some of these
journeys replace rides on
transit systems.
Transit systems, however, need
to be in place and require
sufcient passengers to
provide frequent service even
to those who are dependent
on mobility but cannot aford
TNC services.
Saving space, tme
Up to 10 individually-owned
vehicles are taken of the road
by one shared car.
Car sharing comes in two
favours: “return car sharing”,
where the cars have dedicated
parking spaces, and “free-
foatng car sharing”, where
cars can be dropped at any
legal parking space within a
predefned area of operaton.
The goal is to save on space
and tme, the two major transit modes such as urban and alpine buses, reliability, reducton in working hours lost, beter
assets of contemporary urban tramways, boats on the lakes, cable cars in projectable business transactons, more quality
life. Every person, once in a mountainous regions and car sharing services tme for families – can be considered to be one
while, has mobility needs for are included and accessible through one smart of the keys to Switzerland’s long-term global
which a car will be the best farecard. success.
soluton. These have to be The key is that services are frequent, departure As the inventor and world champion of inter-
accommodated. and arrival tmes of diferent modes carefully modality, Switzerland is an intuitve example of
When truly efcient, shared harmonized and coordinated even in the event a countrywide interconnected transit system. It
mobility complements and of a service disrupton: a connectng bus in a is a global pioneer of car sharing and has, in over
connects to mass transit. remote area will wait for a train running late. 25 years, built up the natonwide shared vehicle
Customers riding mass transit Car sharing vehicles are available in both dense ofer. Seamless integraton leverages transit
for daily routne trips will urban areas and in rural zones, as natonwide wherever the comfort of a car is needed.
have access to a car or bike 24/7 self-service operaton. A customer arriving Mobility car sharing Switzerland operates both
whenever they need one, on a late train will fnd a car to drive the last staton-based and free-foatng car sharing
wherever they need one with miles to his fnal destnaton. systems in order to provide the best suited
no need to own one. services in any given locaton. Running and
Unlike the parallel structures created by TNCs,
Well-designed car and bike the transit system including shared modes and ofering its own sofware as a white-label
sharing systems thus result in other forms of paratransit is accessible to all, product, Mobility shares its knowledge and
lesser car journeys, not more. everywhere, for a moderate fare and at any experience globally.
Towards a fully integrated given tme. Mobility systems + services
Public Transit Ofer car sharing Mobility Systems + Services is the IT subsidiary
must be an integral part of a Transit systems for wealthy natons of the Swiss Mobility cooperatve. It provides
public transit ofer accessible While transit should ofer premium classes of end-to-end sofware solutons and business
through one single integrated, service and optonal comfort upgrades wherever consultancy. Its custom-designed car sharing
easily usable mobility a demand exists or can be created, the idea of sofware MobiSys supports medium and large
planning, tcketng and sharing the same infrastructure is one of deep car sharing organizatons and feets. It handles
invoicing interface. This is the solidarity within a society. more than 2.2 million booking translatons a
Swiss approach to integrated Riding transit at of hours, a wealthy customer year and is distributed worldwide. MobiSys 2.0 is
who could aford a car service contributes to available under a “sofware as a service” license.
Over a century ago, diferent maintaining a public infrastructure, while he
railway companies decided to himself benefts from speed and reliability
ofer integrated tcketng to advantages.
their customers. Since then, The macro-economic fallouts from powerful
the approaches have been and efcient mobility systems – increased
taken further. Today all other