Page 78 - index
P. 78
sustaiNabilitY iN
the auto iNdustrY
Nobuaki Katoh, President and CEO, DENSO Corporaton explains why he wants the company to become one that
can make even greater contributons to society.
The DENSO Group has formulated guidelines and visions with people in local communites.
at each stage of management and has contnued to To become such a company, we must focus closely
achieve growth while responding to changes in the on long-term social changes, create our ideal images
business environment. With DENSO VISION 2015 serving of society and the Company, clarify issues that need to
as our guideline, since 2004 we have addressed various be solved and boldly take on new challenges toward
business and corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues. ataining our targets. For these reasons, I have asked
In my own mind, however, the queston of “what DENSO associates in each region of the world to consider
must do to ensure it remains a company essental to various issues and the Goal of the DENSO Group in 2020
society in the future” is one theme that has gradually based on the expected social changes in the future.
become increasingly important. In the near future, the global populaton is projected
Each and every DENSO associate, myself included, to reach 8 billion, while the amount of CO2 emissions
wishes to see DENSO become a company that plays a resultng from human actvites is expected to increase
leading role in helping to solve a variety of issues in to 3.5 tmes (2.5 tmes in 2011) the planet’s absorpton
society as well as a trustworthy company in harmony capabilites. Additonally, in today’s automotve society,