Page 99 - Respond 2014 | RTCC
P. 99

rtcc respond

Ecofrotas is the frst
Brazilian company
to ofer sustainable
solutions in feet
management. Its
main goal is to assist
clients to reduce their
fuel and maintenance
costs, along with
their Greenhouse Gas
emissions. We manage
over 640,000 vehicles
for more than 11,500
corporate clients who
validate our solutions.

The programs Frota Sustentável (Sustainable Fleet) and Crédito de Carbono (Carbon Grupo Tombini, a cargo transport company, is
Credit) are currently among the leading solutions for placing this effort in practice. The celebrating progressive reductions in environmental
frst allows the level of sustainable feet management to be gauged and enhanced, impacts caused by its trucks on Brazilian roads thanks to
with guidelines geared towards improvements. fuel consumption management and the correct disposal
of waste, in addition to the adoption of code of conduct
By means of indicators, it ensures constant increases in feet effciency and a reduction and conscientious driving training for its drivers.
of costs and social and environmental impacts. As such, the frst step lies in mapping
the situation of clients’ vehicles, attributing scores for each of the considered indicators. The development of these projects represents a
milestone in the history of Ecofrotas, as they further
Next, opportunities are identifed for improvement, along with the defnition of an action strengthen its role in offering complete solutions for
plan in favour of excellence in sustainability. The last phase includes the application management geared towards social, economic and
of this plan. Once the cycle is complete, a new evaluation is implemented for its environmental improvements.
recommencement, which ensures the constant evolution of the management process.
Considering that Brazil is expected to work towards
Tight standards increasingly more strategic alternatives to continue
The other program, Crédito de Carbono, unprecedented in the world and approved reducing GHG emissions, the company is certainly
according to the strictest regulations of the Verifed Carbon Standards (VCS), allows on the right track. After all, the good news of reduced
for the generation of carbon credits based on the reduction of GHG emissions from deforestation in the Amazon – of 63% between 2005
commercial vehicle feets with fex-fuel technology that prioritizes refueling with and 2010, according to data from the Ministry of
ethanol. the Environment – makes the challenge of reducing
emissions in other sectors, especially transport, all the
These credits can be negotiated on voluntary carbon markets. The project is chiefy more urgent.
based on the fact that emissions from burning biofuels in vehicles are considered
neutral, as sugarcane absorbs carbonic gas in an equivalent volume during the Ecofrotas
photosynthesis process.

Raising awareness regarding the environmental importance of ethanol as a clean fuel,
in parallel with measures in favour of raising awareness among drivers, coupled with
preventative maintenance of vehicles, produces results throughout the country.

Pharmaceutical frm Medley, for example, managed to reduce the GHG emission
rate of its feet by 58% in just six months. Algar Telecom created a new management
policy in which ethanol responds for 90% of the fuel used.

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