Page 96 - Respond 2014 | RTCC
P. 96


Latin america’s

search for

cLean transport


Mexico-based transport business Dina Camiones explains how it DINA Camiones is an OEM specialized on
is cutting emissions through the use of CNG in public transport vehicles with advanced technology. DINA
is a 100% Mexican Company with 60 years
Sustainable transport enthusiasts may see Latin America as a region that, in line with of experience as a manufacturer of Buses
concrete actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, is undergoing what could be and Trucks, ofering sustainable solutions
called a boom in transit systems renewal. for public transportation through custom
made products, with the latest technology
Across the region, an unprecedented transformation process is taking place towards
improving service quality for passengers. This shift includes important changes in for vehicles, accomplished by our R&D
infrastructure to meet the needs of society, a stronger engagement among different department Transportation Expertise by Dina.
stakeholders and the community, which are the end users of these services.
Federal and local authorities are also giving priority to urban mobility. Further, service To address the challenges posed by climate change,
suppliers are changing business models from owner-operated to incorporated Mexico has publicly committed to reducing its
companies and/or limited liability companies. Greenhouse Gas emissions. The country had ratifed
This transformation process calls for the emergence of new business models, based the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
on duly organized companies – incorporating legal, administrative and fnancial (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol, and was one of the
elements – in order to provide professional, effcient and proftable services. frst developing countries to commit to a specifc carbon
reduction target through the use of clean and effcient
At DINA we have adopted innovative business models throughout the LATAM region as technologies.
part of our commitment to the environment and sustainable mobility.
Dina’s use of CNG contributes to mitigate GHG emissions
DINA provides transportation solutions, manufacturing vehicles powered by 80 tCO2e.
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), while offering superior cost/beneft ratios, better
performance, reduced energy consumption, lower emissions as well as lower On one hand, savings of at least 35% on fuel (compared
maintenance costs, spare parts and after-sales service. to diesel) are achieved and on the other, we fnd
signifcant emission reductions of particulate matter by
Conacyt support 95%, as well as 90% of NOX, and 22% GEI, mitigating
We are committed to enhancing the life quality for future generations and their health risks. These motors are 10 times quieter than
environment through the development of Sustainable Transportation. DINA with the conventional diesel engines.
CONACYT support is currently developing a NAMA that guarantees GHG reduction
through the replacement of diesel-run urban public transport units with new CNG DINA and Autotransportes Guadalajara - El Salto
technology in cities and metropolitan areas where NG coverage and distribution is Company had been working since 2011 in a successful
available. project to promoting the introduction of 50 CNG Buses in
Guadalajara, Jalisco.
The name of this project is: “GHG emissions reduction through the use of CNG in
public transport.” This collaborative work has included several phases
Mexican context
The energy and transport sectors were responsible for more than 70 percent of • Fuel analysis
greenhouse gases in Mexico in 2006. Mexico’s energy sector was heavily reliant on • Buses prices
hydrocarbons, which represented 90 percent of total energy consumption and fueled • CNG Supply
over 70 percent of installed power generation. • Characteristics of natural gas
• Bus performance
Furthermore, Mexico’s transport emissions increased by 27 percent between 1990 and • Funding access
2005, accounting for approximately 18 percent of Mexico’s total emissions in 2005.
In addition, high levels of urban air pollution, exacerbated by ineffcient transport, Dina Camiones
represent a major health and environmental concern in Mexican cities.

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