Page 103 - Respond 2014 | RTCC
P. 103

rtcc respond

solar salt production process, but other species and the
environment as well, they also sequester CO2, a known Exportadora de Sal is one of the main salt producers and
greenhouse gas (GHG).
suppliers for chlor-alkali industry in the Pacifc Rim, and also in
It is worth noting that recent research has revealed that the road de-icing, water softening and food industry salt market
the microbial mats themselves host greater diversity in North America.
than any other known environment on Earth and that, The company is located in Guerrero Negro, Baja California
according to American space agency (NASA) scientists, Sur, Mexico. It is the world’s largest salt feld, with an average
the oxygen production of one hectare of these microbial yearly shipments of 7.5 million metric tonnes, and a loading
mats, equals the produced by an hectare of a mature berth located at Cedros Island, Baja California, Mexico, that can
forest. That is, microbial mats at ESSA’s solar salt accommodate ships of up to 180,000 DWT.
production ponds not only sequester CO2, but releases
oxygen to the atmosphere, contributing in this way to It is a Joint Venture between Mexican government Fideicomiso de
hamper climate change. Fomento Minero and Mitsubishi Corporation.

Considering the Sustainable Development defnition:
“development that meets the needs of the present turtle, pronghorn antelope, birds and many others conservation projects.
without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs”, the solar salt production process ESSA is looking to the future, working everyday for a better world to leave for future
is one of the best examples of this defnition; it is based generations. Our salt deliveries are made by maritime transportation, to reduce the
on the use of abundant renewable natural resources, “carbon footprint” of salt deliveries over land. Also, in order to reduce our carbon
such as seawater, wind and sun, and is fully compatible footprint, we had implemented a project to increase quality and production capacity
with the environment. through a low combustible consumption optimization process.

Almost 60 years of uninterrupted operation has proven Through an oxygen generator-CO2 sequester process, low consumption of fossil
that economic development is feasible to achieve combustibles and effcient logistics, ESSA not only achieve environmental targets, but
without putting aside environmental preservation. also proactively work towards a better and clean environment, proving once again the
On the contrary, ESSA’s operation takes place within viability of technology and nature working together for a better world.
Mexico’s largest Natural Protected Area, the “El
Vizcaino” Biosphere Reserve, and World Heritage Site Exportadora de Sal… 59 years operating with respect and in harmony with nature, for
“Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino”, and in all these years generations to come.
ESSA has proven to be an allied and a partner on
environmental conservation, working side by side with Exportadora de Sal
authorities and NGOs, and supporting grey whale, sea

With an annual production of 7.5 million metric tonnes, Exportadora de Sal is the world’s largest salt feld.

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