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+54m                    6.8m                  2million m                       2

             58                                         2
             MALLS                 VISITS             M  BUILDING                        OF GLA
                              EVERY MONTH              POTENTIAL

           R$ 40bi                   R$ 2.7bi                      4,236                  R$ 2.4bi

                 SALES                  NET REVENUE             OWN EMPLOYEES                     NOI

        Disclosure Project) score to B. Our water reuse initiatives,   supporting local development. In 2023, we supported nearly
        including sewage treatment and rainwater harvesting,   3,000 projects across Brazil, benefiting over 500,000 people.
        have enabled 14 shopping centres to save water
        equivalent to 170 Olympic swimming pools. In waste    With all these initiatives and the mindset of generating
        management, we emphasise non-generation, recovery     shared value, we will transform our shopping centres into
        and material circularity, diverting over 30,000 tonnes of   "life centres," ensuring a positive return for the business,
        waste from landfills.                                 the environment and society. We aim to serve as an
                                                              inspiration for other companies in Brazil and worldwide,
        COMMUNITIES AND SUSTAINABLE HABITS                    demonstrating that sustainable development is not only
        We view sustainability as a way to make a difference for our   feasible but essential.
        stakeholders, paying special attention to the communities
        around our centres. Our shopping centres aim to be spaces
        of transformation, promoting sustainable habits and


            2030 COMMITMENTS:                                    2030 COMMITMENTS:
              Achieve 50% female representation in                Achieve 100% renewable electricity by
              leadership positions, promoting engagement           2030  and reach carbon neutrality by 2040 ,
              across the entire value chain.                       continuously investing in energy efficiency.
              Achieve 48% Black representation in                 Recycle 90% of the total waste generated.
              leadership² positions, promoting engagement
                                                                   Reduce water intensity  by 5%, with 100% of
              across the entire value chain.                       shopping centres implementing water reuse
              Ensure 100% of shopping centres have                systems.
              accessibility certification³.
                                                                   (4) Does not include cogeneration
             (2)  Commitment established with the Movement for Racial   (5) Scopes 1 and 2
               Equity – MOVER                                      (6)  m /m of common area, excluding stores consumption
             (3) NBR 9050 Certification

            2030 COMMITMENTS:                                    2030 COMMITMENTS:
              Ensure 100% of the shopping centres promote         Maintain or exceed 85% employee
              and create solutions to enable the adoption          engagement.
              of circular and low-carbon practices by our
                                                                   Ensure 100% of employees have development
              customers.                                           plans.
              Ensure 100% of the shopping centres                 Raise awareness and implement actions to
              support at least one strategic project on local
                                                                   promote well-being among employees and
              development.                                         customers.
              Progressively increase the number of people
              benefited by local development projects.

                                                             (1) The 2030 commitments consider owned and controlled enterprises.
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