Page 90 - Respond 2014 | RTCC
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Financial resources are moving into “Accurate, consistent and internationally comparable data on GHG emissions is essential
for the international community to take the most appropriate action to mitigate climate
climate adaptation and mitigation on an change, and ultimately to achieve the objective of the Convention” - UNFCCC National
increasing scale in the lead-up to a new Reports guidelines.
international climate agreement to be
forged in Paris in 2015. There is a window Greenhouse gas emissions reduction activities can be summarised as:
of opportunity to take concerted, cost- • Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy
effective action to reduce greenhouse • Sequestering carbon directly, by planned stabilising of natural environment
Sequestering carbon indirectly with agriculture and the use of building materials that
gas emissions absorb greenhouse gases
• Making communities energy effcient and suffcient through changing people and
organisation’s energy usage behaviours