Page 89 - Respond 2014 | RTCC
P. 89

rtcc respond

Figure 1: Materials previously regarded as waste are recycled and processed as feedstocks to make commodities.

Fuel for Electric
Waste Fed in:
Hazardous &
Solids, Liquids & Fuel for Plant Heating
Gases and Cooling

C Chemicals for

Fuel to Produce
Plasma Converter Plasma Fresh Water
Converter Gas
Metals and Silicates
Fuel Cell Electricity

agricultural wastes or any effuent where eliminating medium-voltage and low-voltage network thus leading to high security of supply.
bacteriological activity is benefcial to convert the
waste liquid into a fertilizer and irrigation water. ATMosPHeRe WATeR GeneRAToRs (AWG): A single machine can generate up to
These result in the production of Syn-Gas, carbon 10,000 gallons of water per day, thus providing the water supply for entire villages.
precipitates and the same quantity of sterilized liquid. The basic technology used for AWG originally came from the mining sector and
In this mode the liquid is retained but completely utilizes humidity to produce drinking water by means of condensation.
sterilized. soLAR PoWeR WATeR TeCHnoLoGIes: 10 m3 to 200 m3 per day of pure drinking

THe HIT WAsTe MAnAGeMenT TeCHnoLoGY water represent very signifcant volumes thus having a real impact on the personal
(enVA): Conversion of Low-Pressure Steam (0.6 – 5 bar) lives of individuals and on the social environment of communities with long lasting
into Electric Energy (CO2-free). The generated electricity positive implications.
can be fed into the grid in a decentralized way via the

Figure 2: EAWC Waste Management Process

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