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wo years ago in Durban, governments agreed to work towards a legally binding emissions reduction
deal to be signed in 2015, and rolled out in 2020. Poland marks the half-way stage of this journey, and
Tit will be an important gauge of progress for the 195 parties involved.
The recent IPCC climate science report underlines the urgency of the situation. It set a limit to the amount
of carbon countries can release if we all want to avoid warming beyond 2 degrees. On current trajectories
that could be blown by 2035. As PwC’s climate policy expert Jonathan Grant observed recently: “For many
companies, the debate about the science is over. They recognise that climate change is happening”.
What should give delegates hope is that it is not diffcult to set out what we need to do. We need to build a
carbon neutral energy system, phasing out the use of coal and gas for electricity, unless carbon capture and
storage (CCS) technology improves.
We need to invest in carbon neutral transport for vehicles, trains, ships and eventually planes. Three; we
need to stop using gas to heat our homes. Four, we need CCS for carbon intensive industries like steel,
petrochemicals, plastics and cement. And fnally – it’s time to address demand, and look at boosting energy
effciency measures.
This year’s RTCC magazine is packed full of great ideas to drive the low carbon revolution forward, from
business, political and economic perspectives. This increasing weight of investment and evidence should give
negotiators the confdence they need to drive an ambitious agreement.
Ed King, RTCC Editor Ed King, RTCC Editor
Twitter: @RTCCnewswire
Facebook: www.
Carbon Clear
Carbon Clear is a world-leading
carbon management company
Published for RTCC by: that works with organisations to
Entico Corporation Ltd., measure their carbon footprint,
1st Floor, 19 Heddon Street, London, W1B 4BG, UK cut emissions, and source high
+ 44 (0) 207 799 2222 quality carbon offsets.
We help our clients to develop carbon management strategies that save
Publisher: James Ramsey them money, strengthen their brand, help them comply with climate change
International Business Development: Darren Scott legislation and win the support of their customers and staff.
Outreach: Nicole Serrij, Tamara Lomidze and Francisco Espinoza All of the offset projects that Carbon Clear invests in are carefully selected
IBSN 978-0-9546526-7-8
to ensure they support activities that genuinely improve the environment and
RTCC the lives of real people. All projects must meet the following criteria:
Editor: Ed King, • Projects must make a real difference to climate change mitigation and
Digital Editor: Thet Htoo Aung, would not have been possible without carbon funding.
International Programmes Coordinator: Sara Goerg,
Design & Production: Jo Hare, • Projects must provide long-term benefts to the communities that
Front Cover Illustration: © Denis Carrier undertake them, such as job creation and the conservation of natural
© 2014 Responding to Climate Change • Projects must undergo third party validation and verifcation – to show
that the carbon reductions are real and permanent.
No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the contributors and not necessarily those Carbon Clear is proud to have offset the emissions associated with
of the publisher. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, we at Responding to Climate production and distribution of this project.
Change cannot take responsibility for losses resulting from publishing errors, however caused.
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