Page 10 - Respond 2014 | RTCC
P. 10
rtcc respond
44 cAtALonIA:
comment assessing vulnerability and developing resilience
in Pyrenean communities
26 eU LeADeRSHIP: 45 LAke cHAD:
It’s time for Brussels to deliver a compelling vanishing waters are a problem for the world, not
and clear low carbon strategy, writes E3G’s Nick just for Africa
46 mexIco:
28 LoSS AnD DAmAGe: the country’s leading courier company outlines its
we can’t ignore the costs of climate change says ambitious sustainability strategy
the IIED’s Saleemul Huq
60 Icc-WBo:
effciency and market-based solutions are the key
to solving climate change says Jean-Guy Carrier
62 FInAnce:
Andrea Rodriguez from AIDAS Americas asks can
COP19 move the Green Climate Fund a step closer
to reality?
64 cARBon BUBBLe: 48 coLomBIA:
Luke Sussams from Carbon Tracker explains why where biodiversity meets business
investors hold the key to avoiding 2C of warming
50 BILBAo:
104 FRAckInG: effective urban solutions can drive EU economic
is it time for a more rational debate over the pros growth
and cons of drilling for shale gas?
52 oceAnS:
Virginia Institute of Marine Science on how it’s
measuring warming and acidifcation
54 mexIco:
leading university IPN explains how it is driving
climate research in the country
for real low carbon ambition look to cities, says UK Green Building Council’s Paul King says low-
ICELI’s Maryke van Staden carbon design should be inspiring
36 BUenoS AIReS: 57 UkRAIne:
Argentina’s largest city on how it aims to cut security frm TSM on why safety must be at the
pollution 30% by 2030 heart of a new global economy
38 PAkIStAn: 58 eveRBLUe:
Pak Oasis’ solar-powered ultrafltration plant in can individual behaviour change mitigate climate
Karachi is making water purifcation less energy change on a large scale?
40 ABRUzzo:
start at school if you want to develop a national
sustainability strategy
42 PeRU:
waste management frm Petramas are now
generating gas from their landfll sites in Lima