Page 17 - Respond 2022 Magazine
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We are a leading provider of
digital infrastructure solutions,
committed to a safer, more
connected and sustainable world.
another way to achieve this same planet- deployed for clients in Brazil and other
friendly result but with less investment and countries in Latin America - consists in
at a larger scale? applying a multidisciplinary action plan
(MAP) that can result in a reduction of up to
The economic impact 60 percent in energy consumption. In short
Before we delve into our experience summary, the MAP involves the following
in Brazil, it is important to highlight combined actions:
the economic rationale that has
further stimulated the search for Revision and renewal of the site’s power
more environmentally neutral digital and cooling systems, equipment and
infrastructure. Especially in the last decade, operating procedures to lower the data
sustainability has taken a seat on the center PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness),
companies' boards, with ESG (Environment, driving efficiencies in the total energy
Social and Governance) standards being consumed by the site relative to the
measured, compared and reported. energy consumption of the IT equipment;
Accordingly, there is also a significant Optimization of computing density, with
escalation in concern among CEOs - as well more servers installed per rack, making
as government officials - about mitigating the use of physical space and energy
their companies' greenhouse gas emissions. more efficient and productive;
Leverage server and network virtualization
When it comes to the technology sector, a to maximize hardware utilization and
KPMG survey conducted last year revealed throughput, and making use of hybrid/
that 79% of the companies consulted multicloud environments for peak
believed that the future of their business processing demand;
was linked to the ability of adapting to this Comprehensive and real-time monitoring
new way of managing. And 26% of them of both physical and virtual assets in a
stated that they had already adopted ESG in single database with a modern DCIM
their management. 8 (data center infrastructure management)
solution, with 24/7 remote and onsite
Making business more sustainable has technical support, to allow for data-driven
gained prominence not only in the IT energy efficiency decisions.
industry. In 2020, Larry Fink, CEO of
the world's largest investment fund, In our experience managing more than
BlackRock, with US$8 trillion in portfolio, three hundred third-party data centers,
set sustainability as the company's new most enterprise, hyperscale and edge data
investment standard. This notorious letter centers we encounter are far less than
from one of the world’s largest money optimal in terms of energy efficiency than
managers has influenced not only its their owners are aware of or are willing to
clients, but the financial markets and admit. Lack of comprehensive monitoring,
business managers in general. Whether as insufficient technical expertise from IT
a direct reflection or not, the forecast for managers to deal with energy consumption,
2021 is a record issuance of green bonds little C-level awareness of the topic, and IT
and sustainable bonds - something around infrastructure vendors euphemisms around
US$ 650 billion - according to a report by power usage certainly contribute to a
American credit rating agency Moody's. 9 suboptimal scenario in terms of data center
energy efficiency.
Renewable sources,
more profitable business In addition to sector and company-specific
One of the most assertive and cost- actions to mitigate ICT power consumption
effective strategies to drive immediate rise, the change in the energy matrix
energy efficiency in existing data centers - that feeds the entire chain of information
and that we, at green4T, have successfully technology and communications, from a