Page 54 - Respond 2018 Magazine
P. 54
also be necessary for new measurement instruments. PTB contribution and impact
Laboratories which carry out tests in accordance with Many developing countries and countries in transition
valid standards are required to maintain a recognised lack internationally recognised quality infrastructure
quality management system, as well as furnish proof systems comprising measurement, testing,
that their measuring instruments undergo regular standardisation, certification and accreditation. Under
inspections. An accreditation then certifies that the such conditions, laws, ordinances, technical regulations
laboratory possesses the corresponding expertise. and quality requirements can only be implemented with
great difficulty.
The efficient use of energy makes a significant
contribution to resource conservation and mitigating For this reason, PTB provides training for experts
climate change. The lower the energy losses during and managers in public institutions and in the
the production, conversion, distribution and utilisation private economy, thereby providing assistance in
of energy sources, the higher the energy efficiency the establishment of a quality infrastructure for
is. Here, contributions to the quality infrastructure renewable energies and energy efficiency. National and
include the specification of standards in the fields of international experts provide consultation to the various
construction engineering and building technology institutions, and their employees are professionally
(such as for insulation, heating, cooling, ventilation trained and take part in regional and international
and lighting), and consumption labelling for electrical exchanges of experience.
devices. These contributions also support the
dissemination and acceptance of renewable energy As one of Germany’s national implementation
technologies. Consumers gain trust in the functionality organisations in the field of development cooperation,
and operating life of these technologies and are more PTB conducts projects mainly commissioned by
willing to switch from climate-damaging energy sources. the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and
Hence, governments’ efforts to meet their mitigation Development (BMZ). The Technical Cooperation
targets are supported. Department of PTB strengthens the existing quality
infrastructure of partnering countries amongst other