Page 41 - Respond 2018 Magazine
P. 41
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AkzoNobel is a leading global paints and coatings company and a major producer of
specialty chemicals. We supply industries and consumers worldwide with innovative
products and are passionate about developing sustainable answers for our customers.
Our portfolio includes well-known brands such as Dulux, Sikkens, International and
Eka. Headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, we are consistently ranked as one
of the leaders in the area of sustainability. With operations in more than 80 countries,
our 47,000 people around the world are committed to delivering leading products and
technologies to meet the growing demands of our fast-changing world.
surface that allows rain to spread readily on the surface, strong nationwide campaign called “Swachh Bharat
under the dirt, suspend it and wash it away. Abhiyan” to promote public cleanliness at all of its cities
and towns. AkzoNobel’s super-hydrophobic coating is
Stay-clean façade delivered through an innovative solution to address such needs. It can
Superhydrophobicity protect walls by resisting the adhesion of urine, spit
Alternatively, a façade that stays clean can also be and other stains, thereby deterring public urination
delivered via super-hydrophobicity. To this end, and spitting. In line with our Human Cities initiative,
AkzoNobel is developing an extremely water-repellent our innovation has vast potential to help transform and
coating with inherently low surface energy, enhanced maintain the cleanliness of urban areas, providing the
by multi-scale surface topography. In essence, water communities with more liveable neighbourhoods and
beads form and roll off easily, or simply do not stick at inspiring surroundings.
all, on the coating. Owing to the extreme resistance to
rain, mud, stains and dirt, the coated surface will stay Keeping pace with new trends in construction:
dry and clean. This new technology will help urban increase productivity and sustainability
communities reduce their environmental footprint Compared to other industries, the buildings and infra-
through significant reduction in the energy and structure sectors has seen much slower increases
chemical detergents used in building maintenance. in productivity and have been slower to adopt new
This is particularly important for fast-growing cities in technologies. However, major transformations are
emerging markets populated with high-rise residential now happening. Prefabrication and modularization are
and commercial buildings. now playing an increasing important role in shaping
the evolution of the construction industry; as driven
For many cities around the world, for example San by cost, schedule, safety and environmental benefits.
Francisco and Paris, it remains a perennial challenge to Project schedules can be made more productive with
keep public places clean and the walls away from such shorter site-built construction time and less weather
abuses as public urination and spitting. In particular, in delays, leading to significant labour cost reduction.
its fervent pursuit to embrace the issue as a national Work sites safety is also improved with fewer weather-
agenda, the Government of India has embarked on an related complications and less work at heights.