Page 36 - Respond 2018 Magazine
P. 36
Investment in the communities:
upholstery; plumbing, residential electricity; natural
food; aquaponics and aquaculture; bakery and fish Congress Environment
breeding in fresh water, among others. "Crisis of water and water sources"
Cleaning and seeding days in the
Resources required for these courses are completely 7 provinces where we aect, in
provided by the Cooperative, including participants’ deforested areas and aected areas
transportation, food and travel. Recycling education
Financial education Donation of ecological Garbage to schools
Education in saving, personal finance, family values, Ecological sensitization talks, courses and
gender equality and personal safety provides positive Workshops in communities and schools
outcomes for members which in turn influences their
family and communities. Environmental responsibility Preservation and conservation
"Loma Miranda, National Park"
To guarantee peace and tranquility in the communities, Struggle for the non-exploitation of this mountain
groups of neighbors attend social initiatives which Rescue, protection, care and
educate and advise them, along with creating bonds preservation of the low basins of the
of solidarity these initiative also help prevent and fight Camu River and its tributaries
crime in their territories.
Walk for health and the environment
Support to community service institutions
Support for institutions of common welfare services Sponsorship of green areas
seeks to mutually benefit people in communities. and Life Forests in communities
The economic and moral collaboration to Geriatric
Centers, Rehabilitation Center, Civil Defense, Red Cross
and Firemen strengthen the values of cooperation,
teamwork and union.
The Cooperative offers young people opportunities to
be involved too. They are able to develop leadership
skills, assigning them responsibilities in Youth
Congresses, Summer Educational Camps, and Ecological
Camps in national parks across the country, as well as