Page 18 - index
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South Africa Environmental Afairs Ministry
Introducton and background Environment Programmes (encompassing the Expanded Public
The Department of Environmental Afairs is mandated to Works Programmes),
ensure the protecton of the environment and conservaton of Environmental Advisory Services.
natural resources, balanced with sustainable development and Financial Management Services,
the equitable distributon of the benefts derived from natural Legal Authorisatons and Compliance, and
resources. In its quest for beter use and management of the Oceans and Coastal Research.
natural environment, the Department of Environmental Afairs is vision
guided by its consttutonal mandate, as contained in secton 24 of A prosperous and equitable society living in harmony with our
the Consttuton.
natural resources.
The Department of Environmental Afairs fulfls its mandate Mission
through formulatng, coordinatng and monitoring the Providing leadership in environmental management, conservaton
implementaton of natonal environmental policies, programmes
and legislaton. In 2009 President Jacob Zuma announced the and protecton towards sustainability for the beneft of South
establishment of the new Department of Environmental Afairs Africans and the global community.
from the former Department of Environmental Afairs and Tourism. values statement
The department is led by Minister of Environmental Afairs Edna In 2011, DEA adopted its fve new values, namely Passion, Pro-
Bomo Molewa, Deputy Minister Barbara Thomson and Director- Actve, People-centric, Integrity and Performance. Driven by our
General Nosipho Ngcaba. Passion as custodians and ambassadors of the environment we
have to be Proactve and foster innovatve thinking and solutons
Mandate and core business to environmental management premised on a People-centric
The mandate and core business of the Department of Environmental approach that recognises the centrality of Batho Pele, for it is
Afairs is underpinned by the Consttuton and all other relevant
legislaton and policies applicable to the government, including the when we put our people frst that we will serve with Integrity, an
Batho Pele White Paper. The Department’s programmatc areas are: important ingredient in a high Performance driven organisaton
such as ours.
Administraton (Chief Operatons Ofcer);
Air Quality and Climate Change, Enttes reportng to the Minister are:
Biodiversity and Conservaton, South African Naton Parks, South African Weather Service, South
Chemicals and Waste Management African Natonal Biodiversity Insttute & the iSimangaliso Wetland
Park Authority.
Ribbon Cutng with Minister