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force under the Conventon since 2011. Against the backdrop of the 5th South Africa’s commitment to addressing the
applicable to all Partes. Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental challenge of climate change is based on science
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The Dialogue and equity and its natonal response considers
In the same year South Africa further strengthened South Africa’s positon both development and climate change. South
developed a Climate Change in the internatonal arena with regards to Africa is actng in response of the fndings of
Response White Paper, preparaton towards the Paris 2015 negotatons. the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
marking the beginning of the (IPCC) that warming of the climate system is
development of strategies This was also a platorm to initate a broader unequivocal, and understanding that further
to address adaptaton and public consultaton on South Africa’s Intended mitgaton eforts by all are needed to avoid
mitgaton, as well as the Natonally Determined Contributons that high to very high risk of severe, widespread and
establishment of monitoring should be submited before COP21 in Paris in irreversible impacts globally.
and evaluaton processes. December 2015.
Peak and decline
This White Paper presents the south africa’s indC In this context, South Africa submits its
South African Government’s The Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban
vision for an efectve climate Platorm for Enhanced Acton (ADP) at the intended natonally determined contributon
(INDC) on adaptaton, mitgaton and support
change response and the 2013 UN summit in Warsaw (COP 19) decided for both. South Africa’s contributon to the
long-term, just transiton to a in decision 1/CP.19 paragraph 2 (b) to invite collectve challenge is framed by both its
climate-resilient and lower- all Partes to initate or intensify domestc Natonal Development Plan (NPC 2012) and
carbon economy and society. preparatons for their intended natonally
determined contributons (INDC). its Natonal Climate Change Response White
Implementaton Paper that reafrm SA’s “peak, plateau and
In November 2014, the This was to be without prejudice to the legal decline” emissions trajectory for mitgaton
Department of Environmental nature of the contributons, in the context of and adaptaton needs in the context of agreed
Afairs organised a Natonal adoptng a protocol, another legal instrument temperature goal that does not lead to
Climate Change Response or an agreed outcome with legal force under dangerous anthropogenic interference.
Dialogue. The Dialogue the Conventon applicable to all Partes towards Under mitgaton South Africa reiterates that
consolidated South Africa’s achieving the objectve of the Conventon as it will take natonally appropriate mitgaton
vision and common purpose set out in its Artcle 2 and to communicate
for an efectve climate change them well in advance of the twenty-frst session to enable a 34% deviaton below the ‘Business
As Usual’ emissions growth trajectory by 2020
response and a just transiton of the Conference of the Partes (by the frst and a 42% deviaton below the ‘Business As
to a climate resilient and low quarter of 2015 by those Partes ready to do Usual’ emissions growth trajectory by 2025.
carbon economy and society. so) in a manner that facilitates the clarity, The acton will be implemented depends on the
transparency and understanding of the intended
It provided an opportunity contributons, without prejudice to the legal provision of fnancial resources, the transfer of
to celebrate progress, and nature of the contributons. technology and capacity building support by
refect on the achievements developed countries.

South Africa’s Minister of Environmental Afairs Edna Molewa and Ban Ki-moon. Photo © UN photos 15
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