Page 80 - Respond 2014 | RTCC
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Leading automotive technology company Denso aspires to DENSO is a leading supplier of advanced
be a company indispensable to society automotive technology, systems and
components for all the world’s major
automakers. The company employs
Each time we surmount diffculties such as past year’s catastrophes, we are reminded 130,000 and operates in 35 countries and
that the DENSO Group is supported by numerous stakeholders, and refect deeply on regions. Global consolidated sales totaled
the importance of the words “company sustainability.” US$38.1 billion for fscal year ended March
31, 2013.
The various events that unfolded in 2011 were also a catalyst for us to thoroughly
discuss what we must do to ensure the DENSO Group remains indispensable to
society and for us to re-examine the value of our existence. At present, approximately 1.3 million people worldwide
lose their lives in traffc accidents every year. Creating
a society with no traffc accidents is the fervent wish of
A society with no traffc accidents
An advanced automotive society will enable people to enjoy the pleasure of moving everybody involved in the automobile industry.
freely through mobility with virtually no traffc accidents and environmental impacts.
Since commencing research on airbag sensors in the
1970s, DENSO has commercialized numerous system
products that utilize sensing technologies and also
proceeding with the development of technologies that
monitor a driver’s physical condition and level of driving
concentration and that provide any necessary warnings
to the driver.

Based on these achievements, we will devote our
utmost efforts to promoting the widespread use of our
products and developing technologies that contribute to
enhancing safety.

Fewer environmental impacts
The second key issue for the automobile industry is to
reduce environmental impacts. It has been reported that
CO2 accounts for approximately 80% of all emissions of
greenhouse gases, a principal cause of global warming.
DENSO supplies basic products for powertrains for all
vehicles that help to improve fuel effciency, cleanse
exhaust emissions and reduce noise.

DENSO developed and improved products from the
perspective of “energy management” that strives for
energy effciency not only for individual components and
units but also for the entire vehicle.

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