Page 65 - Respond 2014 | RTCC
P. 65
Lack of public accountability remains a concern world whether the GCF can become an effective engine for climate change funding in
particularly because of the small opportunity given developing countries.
to civil society to participate in the decision- making
process. The GCF will mobilize fnancial resources At this conference, developing countries must seek frm fnancial commitments for
from both public and private sectors, and civil society climate adaptation and mitigation. Only guaranteed funding will enable the board to
oversight is needed to ensure that policies do not make effective decisions regarding resource distribution or provide developing nations
respond to the investment interests of the private sector with a clear picture of how much funding is available.
but to the needs of the most vulnerable.
The GCF Board must also seek -- and receive -- guidance because many COP
Moreover, the board is not granting CSOs meaningful attendees will beneft from GCF resources. Countries can use the COP to provide
opportunities for participation. The GCF publishes advice on GCF policies, share their priority needs for funding, and recommend criteria
documents before meetings without suffcient time for to guarantee access to resources. The COP will also give CSO representatives a
many CSOs to review and comment on proposals . chance to raise questions and highlight counterproductive practices.
Meanwhile, only two CSO representatives may actively
participate at board meetings in person and even so may Conclusions
not be allowed to talk or approach board members. The COP presents a prime opportunity for developed nations to commit to the GCF’s
stated goals and pledge desperately needed fnancing. Parties and CSOs must
These practices call into question the GCF’s legitimacy. use the COP – GCF’s monitoring body – as a tool to improve GCF accountability,
Globally, CSOs play a vital role in developing climate inclusivity and transparency so that the GCF can truly work to beneft vulnerable
change policy by informing decision makers about populations in developing countries. The COP should be a benchmark for advancing
local issues and needs, and by providing examples the GCF rather than just another event for developed countries to congratulate
of best practices for resource allocation. Given that themselves on timorous steps forward.
the GCF stresses accountability in its mandate, CSOs
should have access to government representatives and Andrea Rodriguez and Marcus Pearson are climate change legal advisors with NGO
information in open and transparent meetings. Aida Americas
COP 19: An opportunity for the GCF?
The COP 19 this November in Warsaw will show the
1 The PSF will enable the GCF to directly and indirectly fnance private sector mitigation and adaptation activities at the national, regional and international level.
2 For the June meeting in South Korea, documents were published less than two weeks before the meeting, rather than 21 days as outlined in the additional rules
of procedure decision taken in Berlin.
3 As was the case on the last day of the meeting in Songdo.