Page 56 - Respond 2014 | RTCC
P. 56






Instituto Politécnico Nacional explains how it contributes to the development of the national guiding
principles on Climate Change Policy

Academic and research institutions work hard to generate original knowledge and obtained from Climate Indexes, through the historical
provide high quality human education. However, there is another critical role for the information available from weather stations from which
academic world; to become a bridge builder between civil society and policy-making climate scenarios were generated in the medium term.
The results obtained from this project allow us to
The strength of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) has been the way it has provide information related to the effects of increased
positioned itself as a leading institution working with government bodies in Mexico. evapotranspiration and thus the possibility of favorable
In light of the growing number and negative impact of the climate change effects, the conditions for forest fres (natural and induced) or
national strategy for the climate change was created. restrictions to control pests and diseases such as bark
beetle (Dendroctonus) that in less adverse weather
IPN contributes high quality research focused to study climate changes effects, with conditions can increase their impact.
ways to establish a competitive and sustainable economy and to reach a signifcant
reduction of carbon emissions. The results of this research has been used as support Adapting
to establish the action lines for the National Strategy of Climate Change. Some research projects are oriented to the design,
development and validation of methods for determining
Research developed at IPN provides relevant information for the key topics included in microbial entities and physicochemical and biochemical
the National Strategy of Climate Change. These include elements of a national climate factors affecting the conservation and restoration of
change policy, adapting to the impacts of climate change and low-carbon emissions ecosystems.
Furthermore, these results establish the indicators
National climate policy for the selection, implementation and design of
Threats to the permanence of environmental goods and services offered by the Soil the rules governing the use of microorganisms for
Preservation program in different regions require research projects whose results the conservation, restoration and enhancement of
provide technical arguments that help guide the development of local public policies. ecosystems by microbes.

An example of institutional effort in this direction is the analysis of climate trends Low-carbon development
Some projects are aimed at developing sustainable
housing proposals as an alternative urban development
Founded in 1936, the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (National with attention to environmental policies.
Polytechnic Institute, IPN) is the foremost public technological
higher education centre in Mexico. Thus, the research of the Instituto
The institute produces technology development and research Politécnico Nacional yields results that
directly impact the establishment of
of the highest quality geared to solving the challenges facing “prioritization criteria” of the National
humanity, of which climate change is the priority. Climate Change Strategy.
Its projects feed in to the National Strategic of Climatic Action of
the Mexican government. Instituto Politécnico Nacional

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